Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Can Fibroids Grow Back After Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization is also known as UFE. It works by blocking the blood supply to the fibroids. The fibroids then shrink and eventually disappear. Results can vary after UFE based on the number and condition of fibroids in your uterus at the time of treatment and your health. Only a very small percentage of those treated with this method experience a regrowth of their fibroid after undergoing treatment.

For some women, abnormally heavy and uncomfortable periods are part of life, but there’s nothing normal about painful periods. If constipation, back pain, and uncomfortable periods have become routine, we want to help you experience true normalcy. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we can use a technique called uterine fibroid embolization to help reduce the fibroids that may the blame for your symptoms.

UFE: An Effective Way To Treat Fibroids

UFE has helped many women find relief from the pain and unpleasant symptoms associated with uterine fibroids. This technique is effective and safe. It can address many fibroids within the uterus, even the smallest fibroids that may not show up on a diagnostic test. Studies have shown that once a woman undergoes treatment, the fibroids treated with this method do not typically return once they shrink down.

A Long-Lasting Treatment

While fibroid regrowth only affects a very small percentage of women, they will grow very slowly when they or if they do return. The unlikely return of fibroids can happen, but they most likely will not cause pain, negative symptoms, and other side effects if they do grow back.

This treatment is the most effective and minimally invasive way to treat fibroids. Unlike medication, which causes fibroids to grow back upon ending that medication, this treatment will improve your symptoms by shrinking fibroids. You will get long-lasting results that help you experience healthy and symptom-free periods for years.

What Are Fibroids?

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that form in the uterus during the reproductive years. Fibroids are made of smooth muscle-like tissues. Many women will develop fibroids in their lifetime, but only some will experience the pain and symptoms that forced them to seek treatment in the first place.

One important fact about fibroids is that they are typically always benign growths that do not cause cancer. They can be smaller than a bead; they can grow to the size of a watermelon or fall anywhere in between.

What Causes Fibroids?

There is still much research to be done on what actually causes some women to develop fibroids over others. Until scientists can find more conclusive results about why women develop uterine fibroids, some risk factors provide more information about what causes fibroids.

Poor Diet

A poor diet can lead to many negative health conditions, so it’s no surprise that diet plays a role in influencing the development of fibroids. Foods that are high in sugars and a diet filled with red meats can lead to fibroids. Alcohol consumption can also promote fibroid growth in the uterus. Overhauling your diet and replacing sugary foods with natural ones and meats with fish, vegetables, and fruits can help reduce the risk of developing these growths.

A Sedentary Lifestyle May Contribue to Fibroids

Stress and activity level also play a role in the development of fibroids. If you live an unhealthy lifestyle void of regular exercise and full of stress, you may be unknowingly putting your body at risk for fibroids. Maintaining a consistent exercise routine and taking time for self-care activities to reduce stress levels will go a long way in helping prevent these growths.

Hormone Imbalances

Scientific studies have shown that women with high estrogen levels have a higher chance of experiencing fibroids. Studies have also shown that once a woman experiences menopause and estrogen levels drop, those fibroids begin to shrink.

If you have imbalanced hormones defined by high estrogen levels, your symptoms may affect your life to the point that you simply cannot wait until menopause hits you to find relief from the pain that comes with fibroids. That’s where uterine fibroid embolization can help.

What Are the Symptoms Associated With Uterine Fibroids?

Some very telling symptoms can help alert you to the fact that you may have fibroids in your uterus. From menstrual cycle disturbances to painful intercourse, many symptoms result from fibroids in the uterus. Yet, once you know what’s causing the symptoms, you can take the necessary steps to seek out treatment through uterine fibroid embolization.

Menstrual Cycle Disturbances

Periods are not meant to cause pain. PMS is not a normal thing, but many women have come to accept that periods equal pain. Women with uterine fibroids typically have very heavy periods. Not only are their periods heavy, but they may experience blood clotting and which can cause temporary anemia. Women with uterine fibroids often experience periods that last far longer than the average five to seven days. Fibroids can also cause spotting between periods.

Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse is abnormal. If you experience pain during sex, your body is trying to tell you that something is off. One of the symptoms of fibroid growth in the uterus is pain during sexual intercourse. Some women also may experience post-intercourse bleeding as a result of fibroid growth.

Lower Back, Pelvic, and Leg Pain

Fibroids affect the body by pushing against the nerves in the spine and back muscles. This pressure can lead to back pain that won’t go away, despite numerous chiropractic visits or even physical therapy. Fibroids can also cause cramping during periods that cause intense pelvic pain. Some women even experience leg pain that stems from uterine fibroids.

Urinary and Digestive Tract Issues

Another way that uterine fibroids negatively affect the body is by putting pressure on the bladder, leading to frequent urination. It can also lead to the inability to completely empty the bladder during urination. Fibroids can also put pressure on the rectum and lead to both bloating and constipation.


Fibroids can often be to blame for fertility issues. Women who have large fibroids may have trouble conceiving or experiencing a successful pregnancy. Many women who think they are infertile simply have fibroids that are preventing them from getting pregnant. Uterine fibroid embolization may be the key that helps not only shrink your fibroids but help you finally achieve a successful pregnancy.

How Do I Know if I Have Fibroids?

You may have some of the symptoms of uterine fibroids, but how do you know if you do indeed have them? The best way to confirm that fibroids are the cause of your negative symptoms is to visit your gynecologist. Your gynecologist may be able to detect fibroids simply by feeling your uterus.

An ultrasound of your uterus can confirm that you do have fibroids. Once an ultrasound detects them, you may require an MRI to help determine the size, location, and quantity of the fibroids.

What Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

UFE is a minimally invasive treatment. It helps block the blood supply to fibroids in the uterus, causing them to shrink. It takes place during outpatient treatment. Embolization spheres are inserted into a catheter to block the blood flow to the fibroids in the uterus. These fibroids begin to shrink over time and eventually die off. As a result, you no longer experience the symptoms caused by those fibroids.

How Does It Work?

A typical uterine fibroid embolization treatment takes approximately one to two hours to complete in an outpatient suite. Once your procedure is over, you will be free to return home. Before beginning treatment, we will provide you with a medication that ensures your optimal comfort. Then, we will make a very small incision in your thigh. Using x-ray technology as a guide, we will insert a small tube called a catheter into your femoral artery.

Cutting Off Blood Supply

Once inserted, we will move this tube in the direction of your fibroids and then inject the small spheres directly into the blood vessels that supply your fibroids with the blood that keeps them living and active. These spheres will cut off blood and oxygen flow to the fibroid, which will lead to its shrinking and inevitable dissipation.

Once the tube makes a complete round of your uterus and inserts spheres into all blood vessels feeding the fibroids in your uterus, we will remove the catheter and use a special device to close the incision. Within a few hours, you may return home. You can expect to experience full recovery within one to two weeks.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

Once your UFE is complete, you can expect to spend some time resting. You should avoid strenuous activities, but light exercise like moderate walking each day will help your body recover quicker, and it will increase blood flow and promote circulation. Most people take a few days off of work to rest and recover.

This treatment causes uterine fibroids to shrink slowly. Within the next few months after your initial treatment, you will notice a decrease in your symptoms. Most women experience increased energy once the fibroids shrink and dissipate. Back pain, leg pain, and pelvic pain eventually disappear, and periods will become more regular overtime.

Why Should I Choose UFE?

UFE has become a go-to for women experiencing uterine fibroids because it is minimally invasive. It can be performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing for a quick recovery time. UFE is an alternative to a complete hysterectomy, which removes the entire uterus and leads to infertility. UFE does not affect a woman’s hormones or other nearby organs. It offers reduced recovery time, fewer risks, and has a very high success rate.

Am I a Candidate?

An initial consultation at our office is the best way to determine if you are a candidate for uterine fibroid embolization. Our experts will review your medical history during your consultation, discuss your symptoms, and present you with your treatment options. We can also perform a diagnostic test to help determine the presence and location of your fibroids.

Ideal candidates are over the age of 18, have fibroids that are causing negative symptoms, and want to avoid a hysterectomy to preserve their uterus and overall fertility. Candidates should not be pregnant or have a pelvic infection.

Learn More About UFE Today

If uterine fibroids have been negatively impacting your daily life, know that there is a solution, and we can help. Contact the experts at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, today and schedule your initial consultation to determine if uterine fibroid embolization is the right option for you.

How Long Does It Take for  Uterine Fibroids To Shrink After Embolization?

How Long Does It Take for Uterine Fibroids To Shrink After Embolization?

Uterine fibroids can cause a range of symptoms that can affect your wellbeing. If you have fibroids and have been considering a hysterectomy, uterine fibroid embolization may be able to offer a less invasive solution. Our team at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, is here to offer some insight on this treatment option.

How Long Does It Take for Fibroids To Shrink After Embolization?

The timeline for each patient may vary. In general, you can expect fibroids that have been treated with uterine fibroid embolization to begin shrinking in about two or three months. At this point, you should start feeling your symptoms improve. In fact, as the fibroids continue to shrink even more over time, your symptoms should shrink right along with them.

Why Choose UFE?

Thousands of women in the US consider a hysterectomy each year. This is often a desperate attempt to treat the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroid embolization can offer an alternative treatment that is much less invasive and allows you to keep your uterus intact.

How Does UFE Work?

This minimally-invasive treatment works by blocking the blood supply that feeds fibroids. With no way to feed themselves, the treated fibroids should then shrink. The first step will be to insert a tiny catheter into your upper thigh.

Using a special x-ray for expert precision, we will move the catheter through the blood vessels until it reaches your fibroid. Once we’ve reached the fibroid, tiny particles known as embolization spheres will be released to block the fibroid’s blood source, which is its food supply.

What Are the Benefits of UFE?

It’s a Quick Process

UFE only takes an hour or two to finish. Once we observe you for a short time, you’ll be free to go home and relax. This isn’t something that will require you to spend the night here.

It Doesn’t Mess With Your Organs or Hormones

Having a hysterectomy doesn’t just mean losing your uterus. The process triggers early menopause, with all of the hormonal changes that come along with it. Additionally, removing the uterus can have an effect on the pelvic floor, bladder, and bowels. These areas can develop infection, pain, and protruding tissue after the uterus has been removed.

UFE gets right to the root of the problem and only treats the fibroids, so the rest of your organs aren’t affected.

You Get To Keep Your Uterus

While the symptoms of uterine fibroids can make a woman desperate enough to have a hysterectomy, in most cases women aren’t happy about having their uterus removed. Whether you want to avoid early menopause, or are hoping to conceive in the future, UFE may be able to help you avoid a hysterectomy so you can keep your uterus.

It Offers Excellent Results

This treatment has a high success rate that hovers right around 90%. Five years down the line, for around 80% of women, negative symptoms didn’t return. That means they didn’t have to have a second UFE treatment or seek out a hysterectomy.

It Can Save You Money

Hysterectomy doesn’t just include the initial high prince of surgery, it also can be expensive to take an extended period off of work to recover, or to stay at the hospital. Even the cost of follow-ups after surgery can add up.

UFE is a streamlined process that can safely and effectively get you comparable results to a hysterectomy, and potentially save you thousands of dollars at the same time.

Your Health Insurance May Cover It

Many health insurance companies are willing to completely or partially cover the cost of UFE treatment.

How To Tell If You Have Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids may be detected during your routine gynecologist examination. If this happens, it may be suggested that you get an MRI so the size and placement of these fibroids can be determined.

Take our 2 minute quiz to find out if you qualify for UFE.

Other Diagnostic Tests

If you suspect you have fibroids but they can’t be located during a pelvic exam, there are other ways you can seek out a diagnosis. These diagnostic tests can include:

  • An ultrasound
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Sonohysterography

These tests can also be used to monitor the growth of fibroids. If you find fibroids that are small and aren’t causing any problems, you can keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t reach the point where treatment becomes necessary.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Symptoms of fibroids can range pretty drastically. Some symptoms are painful and obvious, while others are vague. How many fibroids you have, as well as the location and the size of the fibroids can all play a role in what symptoms you notice.

As we take a look at some uterine fibroid symptoms, it’s important to remember that any concerning symptoms, including severe vaginal bleeding or sharp pain in your pelvis, is enough of a reason to seek out medical attention.

Pelvic and Menstrual Pain

Chronic pain centered around the pelvis is a common symptom of uterine fibroids. You may notice a dull, heavy sensation in the area. Anything that puts pressure on the pelvis, such as lying on your stomach or bending over, may increase the discomfort. Exercise can also increase the symptoms.

Even if you don’t have daily pelvic pain caused by fibroids, you may still experience periods that are much more painful than they should be. Women who have to cancel plans or regularly call in sick due to the pain of their menstrual cycle may want to look into whether they are dealing with uterine fibroids.

Swollen Abdomen

A developing fibroid can cause the lower abdomen to swell. This symptom can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of, but if you find that you are bloating for no clear reason, a fibroid may be the culprit.

Heavy Bleeding

Many different factors can play a role in how heavy your menstrual cycle is. You may have accepted your heavy bleeding as normal, but heavy bleeding is one of the most common symptoms that you may have uterine fibroids.

In general, if your bleeding is heavy enough that you are passing large blood clots, if it goes on longer than a week, or if the heavy bleeding is causing you to constantly change your sanitary products or become anemic, it may be time to look into fibroids.

Miscarriage and Infertility

Many women with fibroids are still able to have a completely normal and healthy pregnancy. However, for some women, uterine fibroids can interfere with fertility. When fibroids block the fallopian tubes or warp the endometrial cavity, that can make it difficult to conceive. If you have been struggling to conceive, uterine fibroids may be worth looking into.

In some cases, multiple or large fibroids may also make a woman more likely to suffer a miscarriage. If you are concerned with any risks your fibroids may present, we would be happy to meet with you and discuss whether or not your fibroids may affect your reproductive health.

Painful Intercourse

Pain during, or bleeding after intercourse can be a sign of uterine fibroids. For some women, the pain is severe enough that they may avoid sexual intimacy. Fibroids located by the cervix are most likely to cause this symptom.

The severity of this symptom does tend to vary per individual, with some women experiencing sharp or severe pain, while others may notice an uncomfortable pressure. In addition to seeking out treatment, some positions may be more comfortable than others for women who have fibroids.

Trouble Controlling the Bladder

When fibroids grow and press up against the bladder, it can make you feel as though you have to empty your bladder more often. For some patients, it can get to the point where they wake up at night to run to the bathroom.

Since this can affect the ability to control your bladder, you may find yourself wearing menstrual pads just in case your bladder leaks.

Pain in the Legs or Back

Some uterine fibroids can begin to press against your spinal nerves or the muscles of your back. The pain this causes often starts at the lower back and may shoot down your legs. In some cases, the tingling or painful sensation can affect your ability to focus during the day or get a restful night’s sleep.

FAQ for Uterine Fibroid Embolization

1. Will All of My Fibroids Be Removed?

UFE doesn’t necessarily remove fibroids. Instead, the fibroids shrivel up after treatment and significantly reduce in size. As their size continues to shrink, the symptoms caused by uterine fibroids should resolve themselves.

Its high success rate shows that UFE is one of the best treatments out there for uterine fibroids.

2. Why Did I Develop Fibroids?

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any one reason a woman may develop uterine fibroids, or a clear way to prevent them. There are, however, some factors that may put you more at risk.

These factors can include hormone levels, or hereditary reasons. Fibroids tend to shrink after menopause, so hormones may play a role in their growth. A woman also seems to be more at risk for developing fibroids if a close relative has them.

3. Is It Better Than a Hysterectomy?

While a hysterectomy may be necessary for some women, most patients are able to have their fibroids successfully treated with UFE. UFE and hysterectomies have similar success rates when it comes to treating fibroids, but UFE doesn’t involve as many potential downsides.

4. When Do I Seek Out Treatment?

If you have recently discovered you have uterine fibroids but they aren’t negatively impacting your life, you may not have to seek out treatment right away. Not everyone who has uterine fibroids will need to treat them.

On the other hand, if your symptoms are causing you pain or distress, or you are afraid they could interfere with your fertility, it may be a good idea to discuss whether or not this treatment is a good fit for you.

5. Is This the Right Choice for Me?

If you’re wondering if UFE is a good fit, our experienced staff is here to help. We’ll go over your medical history as well as your symptoms, and can let you know the different treatment options available to you. We can also give you a better idea of your condition by carrying out tests. These tests will help us get a clear picture of what’s going on and how we can treat it.

If you’re over 18 years old, aren’t expecting, and don’t have an infection, UFE may be a great way to treat your symptoms while preserving your uterus.

Our Team Has the Tools To Help

We know how isolating it can feel to deal with the symptoms of uterine fibroids. That’s why we are passionate about finding you the right solution. If you’d like to learn more about Uterine Fibroid Embolization, set up a time to visit us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN.

How Successful Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

How Successful Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Developing fibroids in your uterus can cause you to have heavy periods, back pain, and many other physical issues. As your fibroids grow, you might become very fatigued. This problem can prevent you from enjoying your hobbies and completing household tasks. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we can address your fibroids by providing you with a uterine fibroid embolization treatment.

How Successful Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

A uterine fibroid embolization treatment is a medical technique that will shrink the fibroids that are causing you to experience negative symptoms. During your treatment, we will use minimally invasive methods to prevent blood from flowing to these fibroids. This technique, which is also known as a UFE, has a very high success rate.

Scientific evidence has shown that this technique has an average success rate of about 90%. In addition, about 80% of people did not have any negative symptoms five years after they received this minimally invasive treatment. As a result, these people did not need to get additional fibroid treatments or receive hysterectomies.

How Do I Know if I Have Uterine Fibroids?

Fibroids can negatively affect your health in a variety of different ways. Your specific symptoms will depend on the number of fibroids that you develop, the size of your fibroids, and other variables. That said, there are several common issues that may indicate that you have fibroids in your uterus.

Experiencing Period Problems

Developing a very heavy menstrual period is one of the most common signs of uterine fibroids. As this problem becomes worse, you might have difficulty leaving your home to perform errands and other tasks. Further, you may stain your clothing and bedsheets. In addition, you might have to wake up during the night to change your tampons or pads.

Your fibroids can also cause you to have menstrual periods that last for a very long time. Experiencing these lengthy periods can cause you to feel tired and uncomfortable. In addition, you may begin to bleed during other times of the month.

Developing Urinary Challenges

If you have uterine fibroids, you might begin to go to the bathroom more frequently. When you try to urinate, you might be unable to completely empty your bladder. In addition, you may feel constipated and bloated.

Experiencing Other Symptoms

In addition to the problems described above, uterine fibroids can cause you to feel pain in your pelvic area, legs, and lower back. These sensations can distract you during your work and make it difficult for you to take part in social activities. In addition, you may feel discomfort during sexual activities.

What Techniques Can Be Used To Diagnose This Medical Issue?

Your gynecologist might find fibroids when you are receiving a pelvic examination. If you are having period problems and other symptoms, your healthcare provider might advise you to receive an ultrasound. During this imaging test, your provider will gently place an ultrasound machine inside your vagina or move this device over your skin. This technique will allow your provider to make images of your ovaries and uterus.

If you are having issues with your menstrual periods, your gynecologist may instruct you to get blood work. Your healthcare provider can also use a device called a hysteroscope to look at your uterus. This device will allow your provider to examine your cervix and analyze the walls of your uterus.

What Factors Increase My Risk of Developing Uterine Fibroids?

Researchers do not completely understand the reasons why some women develop these growths in their uteruses. However, they think that hormones, age, and other factors can increase women’s chances of experiencing this medical issue.

Your Family History

This health condition tends to run in families. If your female relatives developed these growths, you will be more likely to suffer from this health problem.

Your Hormonal Changes

Your hormone levels can also affect the condition of your uterus. If you produce a large amount of estrogen and progesterone, you will be more likely to develop fibroids during your lifetime. Going through pregnancy will improve your production of these important hormones. As a result, pregnancy will increase your risk of developing these growths.

When you stop having periods, you will start to produce lower amounts of progesterone and estrogen. This hormonal change will probably cause your back pain, urinary issues, and other symptoms to decrease.

Why Should I Consider Using a UFE To Treat My Fibroids?

This state-of-the-art treatment offers many benefits that traditional fibroid treatments and procedures do not provide.

It Will Preserve Your Uterus

When you start researching treatment methods, you will probably learn about a medical procedure called a hysterectomy. During this procedure, a medical provider will remove your uterus. Although a hysterectomy will eliminate your fibroids, it can cause you to experience other problems. In particular, you may enter menopause after you receive this procedure.

Going into menopause can cause you to experience mood swings, hot flashes, and sleep issues. Further, you might have bladder issues and other problems after you receive a hysterectomy. Fortunately, we will not take out your uterus during your UFE. In addition, we will not damage your bladder and other organs during this medical treatment.

It’s an Inexpensive Option

Although a hysterectomy will relieve your negative symptoms, it can be a very expensive way to treat your fibroids. In particular, you might have to spend a large amount of money on hospital costs and anesthesia fees.

Further, a hysterectomy can have a very long recovery period. Spending time away from your job and hiring people to care of your children can also add to your costs. In contrast, a UFE is an outpatient treatment that has a quick recovery period. Since your downtime will be very brief, you won’t have to spend a large amount of money paying for childcare and other expenses.

It Will Improve Your Wellbeing

Experiencing lengthy, uncomfortable periods can decrease your energy levels and prevent you from being productive when you are at work. In addition, you might not have enough energy to enjoy your favorite hobbies and spend time with your friends and family members. Over time, you might begin to feel isolated and depressed.

A UFE is a very effective way to shrink your fibroids and improve your periods. As your menstrual periods become more comfortable and your other symptoms decrease, you will begin to feel stronger and more energetic.

It’s Very Gentle

If you use a hysterectomy to treat your fibroids, you will probably need to stay in the hospital for a while. In addition, you may need to avoid exercise, stay home from your job, and make other major changes to your schedule for several weeks. This lengthy period of downtime can cause you to experience difficulties at your workplace.

Fortunately, a uterine fibroid embolization has a much shorter recovery period than a hysterectomy. On average, your medical treatment will take one to two hours to finish. After we have completed your treatment, you will need to remain in our outpatient clinic for a short period of time. During this time, we will observe your reaction to your treatment. After several hours have passed, you will usually be able to go back to your house or apartment.

Am I Eligible for This Medical Treatment?

If your fibroids are causing you to have discomfort, heavy periods, and other physical issues, you may be eligible to receive a UFE. Before we perform this treatment, we will need to talk about your periods, review your physical symptoms, and discuss any other health issues that you have. In addition, we may use medical tests to analyze your fibroids.

To be eligible for this medical treatment, you will need to be over the age of 18. In addition, you cannot use this technique to improve your fibroids if you are experiencing a pelvic infection or are pregnant.

What Should I Expect During My Medical Treatment?

Before we treat your fibroids, we will have an initial consultation with you. During this meeting, we will provide you with a list of instructions that you will need to follow during the days before your UFE.

Preparing for Your UFE

We may ask you to temporarily refrain from using certain over-the-counter and prescription medications. In addition, you might have to adjust the supplements that you are taking. Further, we may tell you not to eat specific types of food during the day before your uterine fibroid embolization.

Beginning Your UFE

You will receive your UFE at our comfortable outpatient suite. We will begin this treatment by creating a small incision in your thigh. This incision will allow us to use a catheter to access your fibroids. We will use an x-ray machine to help us direct this catheter toward your uterus.

After we reach your fibroids, we will use our catheter to release a series of embolization spheres. These spheres will stop blood from nourishing the fibroids in your uterus. As the blood flow to your fibroids diminishes, these uterine growths will become smaller. Decreasing the size of your fibroids will improve your uncomfortable periods, urinary problems, and other unpleasant symptoms.

How Long Will I Spend Recovering From My UFE?

Since we will use minimally invasive techniques to shrink your fibroids, your recovery period will be very short. On average, you will have seven days of downtime.

Taking a Rest

You are likely to feel fatigued for several days. During the start of your recovery period, we will advise you to avoid taking baths. In addition, we will instruct you to use sanitary pads instead of tampons and menstrual cups.

Changing Your Diet

You will need to remember to drink plenty of liquids while you are adjusting to this medical treatment. In addition, we may instruct you to take regular fiber supplements and avoid eating spicy foods.

Taking Walks

You will need to avoid running, taking exercise classes, or performing other challenging physical activities. However, you should make an effort to engage in gentle exercise during your recovery period. In particular, we will ask you to go on daily walks during this time. These gentle walks will enhance your digestion and improve your blood flow.

Improve Your Health

Experiencing very heavy periods, uncomfortable cramps, and other negative symptoms can prevent you from succeeding at your job, caring for your children, and accomplishing other important tasks. Receiving uterine fibroid embolization is an excellent way to fix these health issues. To learn more about this minimally invasive treatment, you should schedule an initial consultation at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN.

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

It’s very common to develop fibroids in your uterus. These growths can cause your periods to become heavy and uncomfortable. In addition, you might have cramps, back pain, and other physical issues. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, Tennessee, we can use a minimally invasive treatment called uterine fibroid embolization to address your fibroids.

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization is a medical treatment that can shrink fibroids in your uterus. We will use specialized techniques to block the blood flow that provides nourishment to your fibroids. This medical treatment, which is also called a UFE, can provide you with a number of important benefits.

It Can Preserve Your Fertility

In the past, women frequently treated uterine fibroids by choosing to receive hysterectomies. A hysterectomy is a medical procedure that removes a woman’s uterus. Although this technique will eliminate the woman’s fibroids, it will also prevent her from becoming pregnant in the future.

In contrast, we will not remove your uterus or ovaries during your uterine fibroid embolization. If you would like to preserve your fertility, you should think about using this method to treat your fibroids.

It’s Inexpensive

Receiving a hysterectomy can be a very expensive endeavor. Even if your health insurance covers some of your costs, you might have to contribute to anesthesia and hospital fees. In addition, you might be unable to go to work or care for your children for a long period of time. Your long recovery period could cause you to spend a large amount of money on childcare and other expenses.

A UFE is an outpatient treatment with a short period of downtime. As a result, you will spend less money on hospital fees, childcare, and other costs.

It Has a Short Recovery Period

Since this treatment is very gentle, you will have a short recovery time. It will usually take just about one to two hours to treat your fibroids. After we have finished addressing your fibroids, we will need to observe your reaction to this treatment. You will usually be able to return to your home after a few hours have passed. You will typically return to your job after a couple of days.

In contrast, a hysterectomy is an invasive procedure that can be very hard on your body. If you use this technique to treat your fibroids, you might have to spend several days in the hospital. In addition, your recovery period may last for six to eight weeks. This long recovery period can cause you to fall behind at your job.

It Can Relieve Your Symptoms

Your uterine fibroids can cause you to experience discomfort, sexual challenges, and other problems. Over time, these health issues can lower your self-confidence and cause you to feel depressed and unhappy. Using a UFE to fix your symptoms will enhance your health and improve your self-esteem.

It Doesn’t Change Your Hormones

If you receive a hysterectomy, your body will go into early menopause. Your lowered hormone levels can cause you to develop hot flashes, emotional problems, and other challenges.

In addition, removing your uterus can negatively impact the condition of your bowels, bladder, and pelvic floor. Fortunately, a UFE will not change your hormone levels. In addition, this treatment will not impact your bladder or other organs in your body.

It’s Very Effective

A UFE is a very effective technique. There is evidence showing that this treatment is able to achieve significant improvements in the condition of women’s fibroids. During scientific studies, about 80% of women who received this treatment five years ago had no fibroid-related symptoms.

What Symptoms Am I Likely to Experience?

Your fibroids may cause you to develop a number of physical problems. Since the size, location, and quantity of your fibroids will impact your health, the severity of these symptoms will vary.

Menstrual Challenges

Your fibroids can cause your periods to become very heavy. If you are experiencing this problem, you might soak through your clothes and have to frequently change your pads or tampons. In addition, you may have prolonged periods that last for many days. You can also experience bleeding between your periods.

Urinary Problems

Your fibroids can cause you to struggle to empty your bladder when you go to the bathroom. You may also feel frequent urges to urinate and develop constipation problems.


Your fibroids may cause you to feel uncomfortable during intercourse. In addition, you can develop pain in your lower back, legs, or pelvic area.

Why I Have Developed Fibroids in My Uterus?

Fibroids are extremely common. In fact, many women will have some of these growths by the time that they reach the age of 50. Although scientists do not fully understand why women develop this problem, they believe that a number of factors can enhance a woman’s chance of growing fibroids.

Your Hormone Levels

Scientists believe that your hormonal levels of progesterone and estrogen will impact your risk of developing fibroids. If you have high levels of these hormones, you may be more likely to experience this health issue.

When you go through menopause, your levels of these hormones will decline, and the negative symptoms associated with your fibroids are likely to improve.

Your Pregnancies

When you go through pregnancy, your body will produce higher amounts of estrogen and progesterone. These changes can increase your risk of developing uterine fibroids.

Your Genes

If your mother, aunts, grandmothers, or other relatives developed fibroids, you will have a higher chance of experiencing this health condition.

What Type of Fibroids Can I Develop?

You can develop several different types of fibroids in your uterus. You might have a variety of fibroids in your body at one time. These benign growths can vary in size and cause you to experience different symptoms.

Types of Fibroids

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of uterine growth. This type of fibroid will develop in the wall of your uterus. These fibroids can cause you to develop lower back pain and bleeding issues. If you do not treat these fibroids, they can become very large.

You may also develop pedunculated fibroids. These fibroids will grow in the walls or cavity of your uterus. In addition, you could develop a rare type of growth called submucosal fibroids. These fibroids can lead to excessive bleeding and other health issues.

Improving Your Health

A UTE can block the blood flow to many different fibroids during one treatment session. As a result, this technique can be a very effective way to address your fibroid issues.

How Can I Diagnose My Fibroid Issues?

Medical professionals can use several different methods to diagnose your uterine fibroids. For example, your gynecologist may be able to feel your uterine fibroids during a medical exam. In addition, your gynecologist could use ultrasound technology to diagnose your fibroids.

If you have been diagnosed with this problem, your medical provider may use other imaging tools to learn more about the size, location, and quantity of your fibroids.

How Should I Get Ready for My UFE?

You’ll need to describe all of the medications and supplements that you are taking before you receive your UFE. You’ll also need to tell us about any allergies that you have. Depending on your individual circumstances, we may instruct you to avoid taking some supplements and medications during the days before your UFE.

In addition, you may need to avoid certain foods and take specific medications before your appointment. We will provide you with more details about these requirements when we schedule your treatment.

What Will Happen During My UFE?

We will perform your UFE in our sophisticated outpatient suite. We will start by making an incision into the skin on your upper thigh. Next, we will put a small catheter into your body. We will use an x-ray machine to guide us as we move this catheter through your blood vessels.

Once we have reached your fibroids, we will send embolization spheres into your body. Embolization spheres are very small particles that will block the flow of blood to your uterine fibroids. Over time, blocking your blood flow will cause your fibroids to shrink. As your fibroids become smaller, your heavy periods and other problems will begin to improve.

What Will My Recovery Period Be Like?

It’s common to spend about one week recovering from your UTE. Although this medical treatment has a brief recovery period, you will need to make temporary changes to your schedule.

Beginning Your Recovery Period

During the first several days, you will probably feel very tired. You can maintain your comfort levels during this time by taking medication. To help your body heal, you should not take baths during the next couple of days. During this time, you should wear sanitary pads and avoid using menstrual cups and tampons.

Moving Your Body

Although you should not engage in very taxing physical activities like taking exercise classes or lifting heavy weights, you should try to go on a walk every day. Moving your body will enhance your circulation and help to prevent you from feeling constipated.

Adjusting Your Diet

We may advise you to eat bland foods during your recovery period. To improve your digestion, you should make sure to drink adequate amounts of water. You can also improve your digestion by taking fiber supplements.

Am I a Good Candidate for a UFE?

If your uterine fibroids are causing you to experience heavy periods or other negative symptoms, you may be a good candidate for a UFE. Before we treat your fibroids, we will have a personalized consultation with you. During this meeting, we will review your symptoms and talk about your medical history. We can also use diagnostic tests to learn more about the condition of your uterus.

Although this is a minimally invasive treatment, you will not be able to receive a Uterine Fibroid Embolization Treatment if you are below the age of 18. In addition, you cannot receive this treatment if you are currently pregnant or suffering from a pelvic infection. In addition, you might have to temporarily stop taking aspirin and other medications before you receive this treatment.

Address Your Fibroids

If you develop fibroids in your uterus, you could experience cramps, heavy periods, and other physical issues. These problems can last for many years. Instead of living with these health issues, you should think about using uterine fibroid embolization to treat your fibroids. To learn whether this medical treatment is right for you, contact us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, Tennessee.

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

Spider veins, those annoying red, blue, and purple surface veins that spread out across the skin of the legs, arms, and face, can be embarrassing, even if they don’t cause much pain or discomfort. Sclerotherapy is a treatment for spider veins that causes them to fade and eventually disappear for good. Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN can help you get rid of your spider veins permanently.

How Long Does Sclerotherapy Last?

When you treat spider veins with sclerotherapy, the results are permanent, as the veins close completely and are absorbed into the body. Spider veins have no practical use and can easily be treated by ultrasound-guided injections or laser therapy. These minimally-invasive treatments are designed to treat spider veins quickly so they no longer cause appearance anxiety. Moreover, innovative technologies allow our technicians to treat both visible spider veins and those that aren’t yet visible but will be if left untreated.

However, despite this treatment’s permanent results, your body is continually growing new veins, which can become spider veins over time. So, while the old, treated spider veins never come back, new ones can become visible and require additional treatment. The good news is that these veins take longer to show up in previously-treated areas, so a significant time will pass between treatments if they are even needed again at all. Some people may never see a recurrence again.

Early Treatment Is Best

Many people who suffer from spider veins wait to get them treated, perhaps thinking they will disappear on their own. On rare occasions, spider veins do go away without medical intervention, but in most cases, treatment will be required to eradicate them forever. The sooner you get treatment for spider veins, though, the easier they’ll be to treat and will require fewer sessions. Plus, you won’t have to deal with the appearance of these spider veins for longer than necessary.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, which are medically known as Telangiectasia, are visible veins that can show up on any part of the body, but are most commonly found on legs, arms, and the face. The underlying cause of spider veins is a condition called venous insufficiency, which means the valves in your veins aren’t working properly. These valves, which prevent blood from moving backward in your veins, keep your blood flowing as it returns to your heart.

If your valves don’t work as they should, the blood is not efficiently pumped back to your heart and it pools in your veins. The extra blood can cause your vessels to become enlarged and branched, which results in spider veins. These branched veins shouldn’t be confused with varicose veins, even though they have the same underlying cause. Spider veins aren’t painful, although they can itch on occasion. They’re completely harmless, but people often don’t like the way they look.

You don’t have to have spider veins treated, but many people choose to get sclerotherapy, especially now that it does not require a surgical procedure. They may have been using concealers to cover up their spider veins for many years, but are ready to permanently destroy these veins and restore confidence in their appearance. With the technological advances that are available today, there’s no reason not to get spider veins treated with permanent results.

The Procedures

Laser Treatment

The two most popular minimally-invasive treatments available for spider veins are laser treatment, and ultrasound-guided injections. Laser treatment uses a focused beam of energy on the pigment of your blood to heat up and destroy the affected veins. When a vein is damaged, it is no longer used to pump blood back to your heart and eventually dies. The treated vein will be absorbed by the body and the blood will be rerouted through healthy veins.

Ultrasound-Guided Injections

Ultrasound-guided injections work by causing affected veins to harden and close, which prevents blood from flowing through them. A sclerosing agent is injected into the spider veins using very small needles. As with laser treatment, the treated veins die and are absorbed by the body. The blood that used to flow through these veins is rerouted to the heart via healthy veins. The ultrasound helps the technician locate spider veins, including those you may not be able to see yet.

Either treatment will eliminate 98% of your spider veins, and if one session doesn’t cause your veins to completely disappear, you can repeat the treatment to achieve your desired results. As for which treatment is best for you, that depends on several factors. If you’re averse to needles, the laser may be a better option. If you have darker skin, injections may be more effective in fewer sessions. Your provider can help you determine which technique is best for you.


Safe Solution

This treatment is completely safe for qualified candidates, and it has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as an effective treatment for spider veins. In fact, this treatment is often preferred by both providers and patients because it requires no incisions or tissue removal.


Since these treatments are minimally-invasive, you do not have to receive general or even local anesthesia. Not only does this make it a safer treatment, but it also significantly reduces the amount of time you have to spend at the clinic before and after your session. You won’t have to be admitted to a hospital or outpatient facility to get the anesthesia, and you won’t have to spend time in a recovery room as the anesthesia wears off.

More Clothing Options

Many people refrain from wearing clothing that shows off their legs or arms if they are suffering from spider veins. Once you get them treated, you can wear whatever clothing makes you feel good about yourself. Some patients report wearing shorts or a bathing suit for the first time in years. This treatment can free you from pants, long skirts, and long-sleeved shirts.

High Success Rate

As previously mentioned, sclerotherapy is effective 98% of the time on spider veins. This is an incredibly high success rate, and even if you don’t achieve the results you want in the first session, you can have your spider veins treated again to increase the odds of permanent success. There are very few guarantees in life, but this treatment comes pretty close.


Compared to surgical solutions for spider veins, this treatment is very affordable. You won’t be paying for a hospital’s services or for general or local anesthesia, so you are eliminating those costs by choosing sclerotherapy instead of other, more invasive options.


This treatment is considered a “lunchtime treatment” because you can easily schedule your appointment over your lunch hour and be able to return to work on time after your session concludes. The exact time you’ll spend at the clinic depends on how many spider veins you’re getting treated and how large the treatment areas are. Typical sessions last between 15 and 30 minutes, which is even enough time for you to grab a bite to eat as well!

No Downtime

With traditional surgical procedures, you usually have to spend at least a few days off your feet while your incisions heal, but with sclerotherapy, there is no downtime at all. Since there are no incisions made or any anesthesia administered, you can return to your daily activities immediately following your session. Additionally, no one will even know you’ve had a treatment unless you tell them.

Relieves Itching

Spider veins are not painful, but they can itch or be somewhat uncomfortable. Getting them treated with a laser or through injections relieves any itching and discomfort associated with spider veins. If you have issues with varicose veins, which can be painful, these treatments may also work to eliminate them as well. Talk to your provider if you’re experiencing bulging, twisted veins in your legs or abdomen.

Risks Factors for Spider Veins

Arms and Legs

Anyone can develop spider veins, especially if they have a family history of them. However, there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of spider veins appearing. These risk factors for developing spider veins in the legs and arms include the following.

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Steroid use
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Genetics
  • Trauma

Any condition that puts extra pressure on your veins can cause valve malfunction. Additionally, if you damage the walls of your veins through trauma to the affected body part, you may develop spider veins because your veins’ muscles cannot pump the blood back to your heart efficiently. Age is also a factor in causing weaker vein muscles, which means they have to work harder to return your blood to your heart. Regular exercise can help combat this risk factor.

The Face

The cause of spider veins on the face is often the result of bursting blood vessels rather than vein insufficiency, so the above-mentioned risk factors don’t necessarily apply to facial spider veins. The risk factors for spider veins on the face include the following.

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Exposure to wind and sun
  • Rosacea
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Trauma to the skin
  • Birth control or pregnancy hormones

Fortunately, the treatment options for facial spider veins are the same as they are for spider veins that occur on other parts of the body. You can use the minimally-invasive treatments even on delicate facial skin and get the same permanent results.

Spider Vein Prevention Tips

Not all spider veins can be prevented, but there are some tips that can help mitigate the risk factors that are more likely to lead to their development. As mentioned earlier, some people are just genetically predisposed to getting them, which is not a factor you can control. However, if you heed these tips, you may be able to lower your risk to only include the hereditary factor rather than having multiple risk factors.

Wear Sunscreen

Not only can sunscreen help lower your risk of skin cancer, but it can also reduce the risk of getting spider veins, specifically on your face. Always use an SPF of 30 or higher to make sure no ultraviolet rays can get through to your skin. Using sunscreen on your arms and legs when you’re out in the sun during the summer is also recommended.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

When you’re carrying around extra pounds, you put additional stress on your lower body, which includes the veins in your legs. Ensuring you maintain a healthy weight keeps your veins from having to work harder than they should.

Keep Moving

Try not to sit or stand in one position for long periods of time. Remember that your veins are working against gravity, which means if you’re constantly standing, they are under extra pressure to pump your blood up to your heart. If you sit too much, you’re causing the muscles in your veins to atrophy, which causes them to be less efficient in pumping blood. Change your position frequently, and get up at least once every 30 minutes.

If your job requires you to stand for long periods of time, consider getting a small stool or box that you can rest your foot on, alternating your left with your right every 10 minutes or so. This will keep you from putting constant pressure on your legs while you work. Additionally, when you are able, sit or lie down with your legs elevated above your heart to aid in circulation.

Wear Compression Stockings

Compression stockings gently squeeze your legs to encourage blood flow and to assist your veins in moving blood back to your heart. You can also find compression sleeves if spider veins are a problem in your arms. Moreover, if you’re looking for a conservative approach to treating spider veins, compression stockings and sleeves are a good place to start, as they aren’t too expensive and can be effective in reducing the appearance of spider veins.

Avoid Overusing Saunas and Hot Tubs

Heat causes swelling, which means if you frequent saunas and hot tubs, you are heating up your veins as well as all other parts of your body. When you heat up your veins, they swell, increasing the likelihood that they’ll become visible just under the skin.

Avoid Wearing Tight Clothing

Other than compression stockings and sleeves, which are designed to help with blood circulation, you should not wear excessively tight clothing. Clothing that is too tight around the legs, pelvis, or waist will cause your blood flow to be restricted. When your blood cannot flow properly, it pools in your veins, creating spider veins, and possibly even varicose veins.

Elevate Your Legs

Whether you stand for long periods of time during the day or not, elevating your legs above your heart can use gravity to help the blood flow better back to your heart. This prevents the blood from pooling in your veins and causing them to become enlarged and branched.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Since alcohol consumption can lead to swollen blood vessels, it is a risk factor for developing spider veins, especially in the face. Limiting the amount of alcohol you consume will mitigate this risk.

Get Regular Exercise

While vigorous exercise can actually exacerbate spider veins, regular, moderate exercise can help prevent them. Vigorous exercise puts added pressure on your veins to move your blood more quickly, but moderate exercise promotes efficient circulation. Proper circulation prevents your blood from pooling in your veins.

See a Dermatologist

If you suffer damage to your facial skin, or you suffer from a condition like rosacea that increases your risk of spider veins on your face, a dermatologist can give you advice on how to prevent and treat these conditions.

Preparing for Treatment

Preparing for vein sclerotherapy is fairly simple since the treatments are so minimally-invasive that your life is not disrupted in any meaningful way. Your initial consultation will involve a technician examining your spider veins and understanding your medical history. Be sure to let them know about any health issues you have, any previous vein treatments you’ve had, any allergies, and any trouble you’ve had with blood clots. If you’ve been ill recently, be sure to mention that as well.

If you’re determined to be a good candidate for this treatment, you should stop using vitamin E or NSAID medications such as Motrin, Advil, or aspirin a week prior to your session. Talk to your provider to see if Tylenol is an acceptable substitute. Avoid using lotion on the treatment area or shaving the hair covering your spider veins within 24 hours before your appointment. Choose comfortable clothing that allows the treatment area to be accessed more easily.


Since these treatments are minimally-invasive, you won’t have much downtime after your treatment sessions. You can certainly return to work immediately following your appointments, and you’ll be able to keep any social engagement you have as well. You may need to wear compression stockings for approximately five days following treatment, and you should avoid aggressive exercise for 10 days, including contact sports, leg weights, and aerobics. Otherwise, you have no restrictions placed on your typical daily activities.

Good Candidates

Almost anyone can use these treatments to permanently eliminate their spider veins, but there are some conditions that should seek other solutions. Individuals who have any of the following conditions are not good candidates for sclerotherapy.

  • Diabetes
  • Previous vein inflammation
  • Leg ulcers
  • Blood clots
  • Arterial conditions
  • Other vascular conditions
  • Current pregnancy
  • Previous radical mastectomy
  • Dialysis shunt
  • Any previous significant trauma to arms, hands, or chest


Ready to Eliminate Spider Veins?

With all the benefits there are to this treatment, there’s almost no reason to wait to treat your spider veins any longer. Contact our specialists at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN to schedule your consultation and examination today.

How Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Performed?

How Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Performed?

Women with uterine fibroids can experience heavy bleeding, frequent urination, and pain during intercourse. Without treatment, this condition can cause severe discomfort and interfere with a woman’s quality of life. A minimally invasive treatment that we perform to help women with this condition is called uterine fibroid embolization. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer this minimally-invasive treatment that cuts off blood supply to fibroids, causing them to disappear.

What Happens During Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization, or UFE, is a safe, convenient treatment for fibroids without the need for surgery. It’s a minimally invasive alternative to operations that require extended recovery periods. For women who’d like to minimize the risks involved in treatment and still expect superior results, it’s an ideal choice.

By preventing blood circulation to uterine fibroids, embolization expels and removes these unwanted growths from a woman’s body. This treatment is performed by a radiology expert and requires minimal to no hospitalization. Thanks to this treatment, women can also enjoy faster healing than surgery and not worry about operations that can affect their future fertility.

Preparing for the Treatment

Preparation for the treatment should be straightforward. First, we’ll ask you about all drugs and forms of medication you take, including natural medicines. We may also ask you to list down all your known allergies to ensure that there won’t be any interference with anesthesia and contrast materials that are to be used.

During your initial consultation, we might advise you to stop taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications. We may provide you with a complete list of foods and drinks to avoid, to minimize the chances of having your appointment canceled. Your body should be in the right condition for the treatment. If we have advised you to take medicines right before the treatment, you may only consume a light snack or a bottle of water.

Will Anesthesia Be Necessary?

It’s also possible that you may be given a sedative around an hour before the operation to help you relax. However, there’s nothing to worry about, because it will not put you to sleep. You need to be awake during the treatment because we might give you some additional orders to follow.

Performing the Treatment

A small flexible tube will be inserted into a blood vessel in your upper thigh. The surgical drip will sterilize the region of your body in which a catheter will be placed. This catheter then injects a substance known as contrast material into your body. You will sense a warm feeling as it rises to the uterus.

In real-time, the radiologist projects x-rays on a video screen to examine the arteries in your body. The specialist will then direct the catheter into the arteries that supply blood flow to your uterine fibroids. Once the target arteries have been located, the radiologist will inject a solution of polyvinyl alcohol particles into these uterine arteries. These particles will then accumulate and obstruct blood flow into your uterine fibroids, therefore killing them.

How Long Does It Take?

The treatment shouldn’t last long. Typically, one treatment session lasts between one to three hours. The duration of your treatment depends on the catheter being used and how difficult or easy it is to pinpoint the arteries targeted by the treatment.

By the end of the treatment, we will remove the catheter from your body and apply pressure to the injection site. We will keep the area compressed for several minutes until the bleeding has stopped or significantly slowed down. We will clean and dress the area with a bandage. After this final step, we’ll ask you to get a bed rest of at least six hours.

Can You Go Home Right After the Treatment?

You can be sent home after bed rest if you can manage how you’re feeling afterward. If you think you’ll need additional care and attention, you may spend the night for further monitoring in a medical facility. We prioritize your safety and convenience, so it’s important for us to consider how you feel after the treatment and ensure that you get any additional support as needed.

What’s the Success Rate?

The treatment is a relatively safe and convenient method, with success rates as high as 85%. Many people who have undergone this treatment have enjoyed a significant improvement in their symptoms. Women with heavy menstruation find that their flow adjusts to normal after the treatment.

In contrast to other fibroid treatments, embolization can target most, if not all, fibroids in the uterus. This treatment is an excellent option, not just for those who have a high number of uterine fibroids. Even women dealing with only a small number of fibroids also experience good results and benefits from the treatment.

Self-Care and Recovery After the Treatment

After the treatment, you should expect to feel better every single day. Still, it’s likely that you’ll get exhausted quickly and will need to take pain medication for several days. Normally, women need about a week or more to recover completely. During this time, you may observe light vaginal bleeding or brownish vaginal discharge. These are normal occurrences and should not cause you to feel alarmed.

Lifestyle changes

Having adequate sleep will help you feel better after the treatment. We advise you to try walking every day but do not overexert yourself. Walking improves blood circulation and helps prevent infections and constipation. Avoid challenging exercises such as weight lifting and aerobics for a few weeks.

When it comes to hygiene, it’s safe for you to take warm showers, but try not to take a bath for a couple of days. You may wear sanitary pads in case of bleeding but refrain from using tampons or menstrual cups.

Diet and Nutrition

There are little to no dietary restrictions after your treatment. However, it’s best to eat bland, low-fat foods, especially when you’re experiencing an upset stomach. Drink plenty of water to ease your bowel movements and prevent straining. It’s also a good idea to take a daily fiber supplement.

Why Is Uterine Fibroid More Preferable Than Major Surgeries?

Major surgeries can achieve outstanding results, but they also come with downsides, side-effects, and risks. When less invasive treatments can address your medical condition, it’s always a good idea to choose them instead. There are also some advantages that you can enjoy when you prefer to undergo fibroid embolization.

The Uterus Is Unharmed

In this treatment, all the work is performed inside the blood vessels. Unlike surgical options, such as hysterectomy, we will not need to remove or operate on your womb to eliminate the fibroids. Myomectomy, on the other hand, is an operation resulting in a cut in the womb tissue for fibroids to be removed. In contrast, embolization only cuts off blood supply to the unwanted growths so that uterine tissues stay intact.

No Scarring

The treatment is a minimally invasive solution, so you’ll experience very minimal side effects. Hysterectomy and myomectomy are known to cause scarring on your lower abdomen. Although you may develop a thin scar on the injection site, embolization does not usually lead to scarring.

Improves Symptoms of Fibroid-Related Diseases

A majority of women no longer experience painful, heavy menstruation after the treatment. After two years, a majority will still enjoy this benefit because the fibroids are not expected to grow back.

Less Risky Than Surgery

The treatment does not require general anesthesia. You will not be put to sleep or become unconscious during the treatment. Many women are sent home on the same day.

Fast Recovery Period

Most women can return to daily work within two weeks after the treatment. Their recovery period is much faster compared to other surgical procedures. The time to fully heal is around six weeks.

Treats Multiple Fibroids at Once

This treatment can induce the removal of all the fibroids in your body simultaneously. While hysterectomy can remove all types of fibroids, it requires invasive operations and the removal of the uterus.

Permanently Expels Fibroids

Fibroids may often come out of the uterus through the vagina. This condition is more likely to occur in those who have fibroids on the surface of the uterus.

Lower Overall Cost

Without a premium price tag, the treatment can achieve outcomes comparable to surgery. The added benefit is that you’ll experience a more convenient solution with no harm done. When you choose surgery, the professional fees, prolonged hospital stay, and follow-up procedures will cost much more than UFE. This practical and reliable alternative to surgery requires no hospitalization and will save you a lot of money.

Enhances Your Mood and Confidence

After your treatment and recovery, you will feel like yourself again. Living with uterine fibroid symptoms can seriously interfere with your quality of life. Many women experience pain and sexual problems that can interfere with their mental health and overall well-being. If you don’t feel healthy and functional, it’s not impossible to have low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Did you know that having uterine fibroids can also affect your mood? After the treatment, many women discover a whole new level of comfort and relief. Their view of life drastically changes together with the alleviation of their symptoms.

Ideal Candidates for the Treatment

UFE is a good treatment choice for women who do not foresee receiving blood transfusions in the future. You may be a candidate for this treatment if you are dealing with the symptoms of uterine fibroids. In general, the ideal candidates are those who are:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Not pregnant
  • Wishing to preserve fertility
  • At no risk of pelvic infections
  • Not suffering from an overactive thyroid

If you wish to become pregnant soon, this treatment may not be suitable. It will still be possible for you to have children later on, but we cannot guarantee the success of your efforts.  The treatment poses a chance of affecting the ovary or uterus. It might make it more challenging for you to get pregnant.

When Should You Consider an Alternative Treatment?

This treatment is not suitable for removing all types of uterine fibroids. If you are suffering from fibroids that are just outside the womb’s lining or outside of it, you may need to consider other forms of treatment. These kinds of fibroids are more effectively removed through surgery.

Ease Your Pain and Live a Comfortable Life

Do you feel that a uterine fibroid embolization in Memphis, TN, is the best option for your treatment? With high success rates and multiple benefits to your health and well-being, it’s one of the best ways you can improve your health for today and in the future. If you are ready to find out how this treatment can change your life, contact Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, to schedule your appointment today. With our team, you can expect a personalized, caring experience.