Every year, 6.5 million Americans aged 40 and over suffer from peripheral arterial disease, or PAD. This common circulatory problem is characterized by painful cramping, numbness, weakness, and coldness. Today, our vascular experts at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid...
What Happens During a Microphlebectomy?
The team at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN is dedicated to providing you with the best quality care and treatments. We are known for offering top-quality solutions for clients who are plagued by the appearance of varicose veins. One of our most...
How Does Foam Sclerotherapy Work?
Varicose veins are not an uncommon problem, but that doesn't make them any easier to deal with. Many who suffer from varicose veins dislike their appearance, but some also deal with aches and pain as a result of them. Here at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in...
What Is the Best Way To Get Rid of Spider Veins?
Spider veins are a common problem, especially for people who spend a lot of time standing or sitting. They're small, but they can really affect the way you feel about your legs. Fortunately, there are effective treatments that can get rid of those pesky veins. At...
How Long Does Varicose Vein Treatment Take?
Varicose veins can usually be found in the legs, and they are enlarged, swollen veins where the blood can't easily pass anymore. Not only are they a cosmetic concern, but many people have pain, cramps, and swelling associated with the condition. For this reason, it's...
What Size Fibroids Need Surgery?
If you have uterine fibroids, you may be overwhelmed as you consider the pros and cons of your different treatment options. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer uterine fibroid embolization, which can provide our patients with a safe,...
Uterine Fibroid Embolization
Can Fibroids Grow Back After Uterine Fibroid Embolization? Uterine fibroid embolization is also known as UFE. It works by blocking the blood supply to the fibroids. The fibroids then shrink and eventually disappear. Results can vary after UFE based on the number and...
How Long Does It Take for Uterine Fibroids To Shrink After Embolization?
Uterine fibroids can cause a range of symptoms that can affect your wellbeing. If you have fibroids and have been considering a hysterectomy, uterine fibroid embolization may be able to offer a less invasive solution. Our team at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center...
How Successful Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?
Developing fibroids in your uterus can cause you to have heavy periods, back pain, and many other physical issues. As your fibroids grow, you might become very fatigued. This problem can prevent you from enjoying your hobbies and completing household tasks. At Zenith...
What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?
It's very common to develop fibroids in your uterus. These growths can cause your periods to become heavy and uncomfortable. In addition, you might have cramps, back pain, and other physical issues. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, Tennessee, we can...
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