Uterine Fibroid Embolization

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

It’s very common to develop fibroids in your uterus. These growths can cause your periods to become heavy and uncomfortable. In addition, you might have cramps, back pain, and other physical issues. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, Tennessee, we can use a minimally invasive treatment called uterine fibroid embolization to address your fibroids.

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization is a medical treatment that can shrink fibroids in your uterus. We will use specialized techniques to block the blood flow that provides nourishment to your fibroids. This medical treatment, which is also called a UFE, can provide you with a number of important benefits.

It Can Preserve Your Fertility

In the past, women frequently treated uterine fibroids by choosing to receive hysterectomies. A hysterectomy is a medical procedure that removes a woman’s uterus. Although this technique will eliminate the woman’s fibroids, it will also prevent her from becoming pregnant in the future.

In contrast, we will not remove your uterus or ovaries during your uterine fibroid embolization. If you would like to preserve your fertility, you should think about using this method to treat your fibroids.

It’s Inexpensive

Receiving a hysterectomy can be a very expensive endeavor. Even if your health insurance covers some of your costs, you might have to contribute to anesthesia and hospital fees. In addition, you might be unable to go to work or care for your children for a long period of time. Your long recovery period could cause you to spend a large amount of money on childcare and other expenses.

A UFE is an outpatient treatment with a short period of downtime. As a result, you will spend less money on hospital fees, childcare, and other costs.

It Has a Short Recovery Period

Since this treatment is very gentle, you will have a short recovery time. It will usually take just about one to two hours to treat your fibroids. After we have finished addressing your fibroids, we will need to observe your reaction to this treatment. You will usually be able to return to your home after a few hours have passed. You will typically return to your job after a couple of days.

In contrast, a hysterectomy is an invasive procedure that can be very hard on your body. If you use this technique to treat your fibroids, you might have to spend several days in the hospital. In addition, your recovery period may last for six to eight weeks. This long recovery period can cause you to fall behind at your job.

It Can Relieve Your Symptoms

Your uterine fibroids can cause you to experience discomfort, sexual challenges, and other problems. Over time, these health issues can lower your self-confidence and cause you to feel depressed and unhappy. Using a UFE to fix your symptoms will enhance your health and improve your self-esteem.

It Doesn’t Change Your Hormones

If you receive a hysterectomy, your body will go into early menopause. Your lowered hormone levels can cause you to develop hot flashes, emotional problems, and other challenges.

In addition, removing your uterus can negatively impact the condition of your bowels, bladder, and pelvic floor. Fortunately, a UFE will not change your hormone levels. In addition, this treatment will not impact your bladder or other organs in your body.

It’s Very Effective

A UFE is a very effective technique. There is evidence showing that this treatment is able to achieve significant improvements in the condition of women’s fibroids. During scientific studies, about 80% of women who received this treatment five years ago had no fibroid-related symptoms.

What Symptoms Am I Likely to Experience?

Your fibroids may cause you to develop a number of physical problems. Since the size, location, and quantity of your fibroids will impact your health, the severity of these symptoms will vary.

Menstrual Challenges

Your fibroids can cause your periods to become very heavy. If you are experiencing this problem, you might soak through your clothes and have to frequently change your pads or tampons. In addition, you may have prolonged periods that last for many days. You can also experience bleeding between your periods.

Urinary Problems

Your fibroids can cause you to struggle to empty your bladder when you go to the bathroom. You may also feel frequent urges to urinate and develop constipation problems.


Your fibroids may cause you to feel uncomfortable during intercourse. In addition, you can develop pain in your lower back, legs, or pelvic area.

Why I Have Developed Fibroids in My Uterus?

Fibroids are extremely common. In fact, many women will have some of these growths by the time that they reach the age of 50. Although scientists do not fully understand why women develop this problem, they believe that a number of factors can enhance a woman’s chance of growing fibroids.

Your Hormone Levels

Scientists believe that your hormonal levels of progesterone and estrogen will impact your risk of developing fibroids. If you have high levels of these hormones, you may be more likely to experience this health issue.

When you go through menopause, your levels of these hormones will decline, and the negative symptoms associated with your fibroids are likely to improve.

Your Pregnancies

When you go through pregnancy, your body will produce higher amounts of estrogen and progesterone. These changes can increase your risk of developing uterine fibroids.

Your Genes

If your mother, aunts, grandmothers, or other relatives developed fibroids, you will have a higher chance of experiencing this health condition.

What Type of Fibroids Can I Develop?

You can develop several different types of fibroids in your uterus. You might have a variety of fibroids in your body at one time. These benign growths can vary in size and cause you to experience different symptoms.

Types of Fibroids

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of uterine growth. This type of fibroid will develop in the wall of your uterus. These fibroids can cause you to develop lower back pain and bleeding issues. If you do not treat these fibroids, they can become very large.

You may also develop pedunculated fibroids. These fibroids will grow in the walls or cavity of your uterus. In addition, you could develop a rare type of growth called submucosal fibroids. These fibroids can lead to excessive bleeding and other health issues.

Improving Your Health

A UTE can block the blood flow to many different fibroids during one treatment session. As a result, this technique can be a very effective way to address your fibroid issues.

How Can I Diagnose My Fibroid Issues?

Medical professionals can use several different methods to diagnose your uterine fibroids. For example, your gynecologist may be able to feel your uterine fibroids during a medical exam. In addition, your gynecologist could use ultrasound technology to diagnose your fibroids.

If you have been diagnosed with this problem, your medical provider may use other imaging tools to learn more about the size, location, and quantity of your fibroids.

How Should I Get Ready for My UFE?

You’ll need to describe all of the medications and supplements that you are taking before you receive your UFE. You’ll also need to tell us about any allergies that you have. Depending on your individual circumstances, we may instruct you to avoid taking some supplements and medications during the days before your UFE.

In addition, you may need to avoid certain foods and take specific medications before your appointment. We will provide you with more details about these requirements when we schedule your treatment.

What Will Happen During My UFE?

We will perform your UFE in our sophisticated outpatient suite. We will start by making an incision into the skin on your upper thigh. Next, we will put a small catheter into your body. We will use an x-ray machine to guide us as we move this catheter through your blood vessels.

Once we have reached your fibroids, we will send embolization spheres into your body. Embolization spheres are very small particles that will block the flow of blood to your uterine fibroids. Over time, blocking your blood flow will cause your fibroids to shrink. As your fibroids become smaller, your heavy periods and other problems will begin to improve.

What Will My Recovery Period Be Like?

It’s common to spend about one week recovering from your UTE. Although this medical treatment has a brief recovery period, you will need to make temporary changes to your schedule.

Beginning Your Recovery Period

During the first several days, you will probably feel very tired. You can maintain your comfort levels during this time by taking medication. To help your body heal, you should not take baths during the next couple of days. During this time, you should wear sanitary pads and avoid using menstrual cups and tampons.

Moving Your Body

Although you should not engage in very taxing physical activities like taking exercise classes or lifting heavy weights, you should try to go on a walk every day. Moving your body will enhance your circulation and help to prevent you from feeling constipated.

Adjusting Your Diet

We may advise you to eat bland foods during your recovery period. To improve your digestion, you should make sure to drink adequate amounts of water. You can also improve your digestion by taking fiber supplements.

Am I a Good Candidate for a UFE?

If your uterine fibroids are causing you to experience heavy periods or other negative symptoms, you may be a good candidate for a UFE. Before we treat your fibroids, we will have a personalized consultation with you. During this meeting, we will review your symptoms and talk about your medical history. We can also use diagnostic tests to learn more about the condition of your uterus.

Although this is a minimally invasive treatment, you will not be able to receive a Uterine Fibroid Embolization Treatment if you are below the age of 18. In addition, you cannot receive this treatment if you are currently pregnant or suffering from a pelvic infection. In addition, you might have to temporarily stop taking aspirin and other medications before you receive this treatment.

Address Your Fibroids

If you develop fibroids in your uterus, you could experience cramps, heavy periods, and other physical issues. These problems can last for many years. Instead of living with these health issues, you should think about using uterine fibroid embolization to treat your fibroids. To learn whether this medical treatment is right for you, contact us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, Tennessee.

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