Skin Rejuvenation

What is KeraLase?

One of the key functions of the skin is to protect the interior of the body from toxins, injury, etc. The nanoliposomes that encapsulate KeraFactor growth factors increase absorption into the skin – nonetheless, the skin resists penetration of the product.

Lutronic’s LaseMD and LaseMD Ultra prepare the skin for increased absorption by creating micro-columns of tissue in the epidermis and upper dermis of the scalp through a 5-10 minute treatment with little-to-no discomfort or downtime, allowing the product to penetrate much deeper than using the product alone. In addition to increasing the skin’s absorption of the KeraFactor formula, LaseMD and LaseMD Ultra provide independent skin treatment – why not enjoy the benefits of both?

What can Keralase do for me?

While everyone is different, improvement in scalp health and an increase in the appearance of thicker, healthier hair may be visible within 3 months when following the treatment protocol as prescribed. Most patients see even more improvement over the next 2-4 months.

How do Keralase treatments work?

Each treatment session will begin with a scalp treatment using the LaseMD or LaseMD Ultra, followed immediately by the application of the KeraFactor serum. There are two recommended courses of treatment options, your provider will work with you to determine which option is best for you:

  1. One treatment session every 2 weeks for 12 weeks for a total of 6 treatments. You may also apply the KeraFactor Spray at home each day between treatments.
  2. One treatment session every month for 3 months for a total of 3 treatments AND applying the KeraFactor Spray at home, morning and evening, each day between treatments.

What is KeraFactor serum?

Based on 6 years of extensive research to address thinning hair, this patent-pending formula combines a very specific set of 7 bio-identical growth factors for scalp revitalization, wrapped in a nanoliposome “shell” for increased absorption, that are typically deficient in the skin during times of hair loss or poor hair health. Other topical products include only a few growth factors and no other commercially available topical includes the complete set included in the KeraFactor formula, a proprietary and patented technology that allows for significantly higher concentrations of each growth factor.

What is a growth factor and how were they selected?

Growth factors include polypeptides and proteins that stimulate the growth of specific tissues, such as hair follicles, blood vessels, etc. Everyone has these polypeptides and proteins occurring in small concentrations. As cells naturally age and die, these nutrients are necessary to assist in the process of replacing old cells with new ones.

Initial research showed that most people with thinning hair are deficient in certain key growth factors, which KeraFactor contains. Additionally, these people may also have too many other growth factors that actually inhibit the growth associated with hair and scalp health and therefore, KeraFactor does not contain these potentially growth-inhibiting factors. In the past, some of the 7 growth factors included in the KeraFactor serum have been very difficult to synthesize. As a result, available topical formulations do not have these growth factors, or they have very low concentrations. Through proprietary and patented manufacturing process, all 7 growth factors are able to be synthesized in high concentrations, resulting in the KeraFactor formula – the only family of products that includes all of these 7 growth factors and each in high concentration.

What is the benefit of adding energy-based devices like Lutronic’s LaseMD and Ultra, AKA KeraLase?

One of the key functions of the skin is to protect the interior of the body from toxins, injury, etc. The nanoliposomes that encapsulate KeraFactor growth factors increase absorption into the skin – nonetheless, the skin resists penetration of the product. Lutronic’s LaseMD and Ultra prepare the skin for increased absorption by creating micro-columns of tissue in the epidermis and upper dermis of the scalp through a 5-10 minute treatment with little-to-no discomfort or downtime, allowing the product to penetrate much deeper than using the product alone. In addition to increasing the skin’s absorption of the KeraFactor formula, Lutronic’s LaseMD and Ultra systems provide independent skin treatment – why not enjoy the benefits of both?

How does KeraFactor differ from using PRP?

PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, is a painful, 45-minute procedure where blood is drawn from the patient, spun in a centrifuge to increase the patient’s platelets, then applied or injected into the scalp with inconsistent results. Only the growth factors available in the patient’s own blood will be released. If a patient is highly deficient in any of the growth factors needed for hair health, the PRP procedure may not be effective. Additionally, one of the common growth factors found in the blood may block the transition of hair follicles into the new growth phase, actually inhibiting growth. In contrast, KeraFactor products include a proprietary formula with high concentrations of bio-identical growth factors and skin proteins customized for people with thinning hair.

Who is a good candidate for KeraLase treatments?

Concerns over hair loss have increased in recent years due to the frequent use of “selfies” and social media apps. Men and women of all ages with thinning hair can benefit from KeraLase treatments.

Who is not a good candidate for KeraLase treatments?

People who currently have or have been diagnosed with skin cancer should not use KeraFactor products without their physician’s approval.

People with an active infection should not be treated with KeraFactor products. People who experience an allergic reaction to KeraFactor products should discontinue use
immediately and be examined by a dermatologist.