vein ablation

Vein Ablation Treatment For Your Unwanted Varicose Veins

Many adults develop varicose veins in their lifetime, and the painful condition can do significant damage to one’s self-confidence. Here at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center, we specialize in vascular procedures like vein ablation treatment. This is a safe, effective solution to the condition, and it may be just what you have been looking for to find relief. You may have some questions surrounding this treatment, and Phillip T. Zeni, Jr., M.D., FSIR and his team are here to answer them all.

What is Vein Ablation?

Vein ablation treatment is a safe and reliable procedure used to treat varicose veins. It closes the problematic vein in the leg. Venous ablation is an ideal solution to varicose veins because there is no set downtime, and patients can resume their normal daily activities after the treatment.

Don’t I Need My Veins?

The venous system in your legs comprises deep and superficial veins. There are several collateral pathways that allow for blood flow. When superficial varicose veins are closed, the body has no trouble redirecting the blood into the deep vein system. During your initial consultation, we will carefully evaluate the health of your venous system to ensure both you and your veins are healthy enough for this procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Since vein ablation treatment is so safe, few people are informed they are a poor candidate for this procedure. If some affected veins are smaller leg veins, you may find it necessary to look for a different treatment option. You are likely to be a good candidate for this procedure if you do not smoke and are in good general health.

How Should I Prepare?

Preparation for the treatment is pretty simple. In the days before the procedure, you may have to stop taking certain medications. Our team can tell you all about this during your initial consultation.

What Else Should I Know?

Vein ablation treatment is performed in the comfort of our office. It is minimally-invasive, making it a great option for men and women with busy schedules. The energy used during the treatment is carefully controlled to ensure precision and patient comfort.

Schedule Your Consultation to Get Started

Varicose veins are a painful condition that can significantly affect your quality of life. They are not only uncomfortable, but they can also damage your self-confidence. To find out more about vein ablation treatment, you can turn to the friendly professionals at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN. Contact our office today to schedule your initial consultation! We look forward to speaking with you!

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