What Happens During a Microphlebectomy?

What Happens During a Microphlebectomy?

The team at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN is dedicated to providing you with the best quality care and treatments. We are known for offering top-quality solutions for clients who are plagued by the appearance of varicose veins. One of our most popular varicose vein treatment options is microphlebectomy. Read on to find out what to expect from this highly effective treatment option.

What Is Microphlebectomy?

Microphlebectomy is a mini-surgical outpatient treatment developed by a Swiss dermatologist to remove varicose veins without creating large, unseemly scarring. The treatment is performed most commonly on the legs and involves making a tiny incision to the affected area through which medium to large varicose veins can be removed. This treatment is also effective for other body parts that may be affected by varicose veins, such as the abdomen, chest, hands, and arms.

How Does it Work?

The treatment is performed by making incisions in the skin that are less than 1/4″ in length. The length of the vein will determine the exact size of the incision, but incisions are most commonly 1 to 3 mm in length. The major benefit of this treatment is that it was designed to eliminate the eye-catching scars usually associated with varicose vein removal. The incision marks will fade after the first few weeks following treatment, and your legs will soon be visibly varicose vein-free.

What Happens When the Veins are Removed?

Some clients are concerned about the removal of varicose veins, as they falsely believe that the body needs every existing vein. However, the removal of the damaged veins will actually improve circulation in the body, as the flow of blood to the heart is no longer impeded by the varicose veins. After the damaged veins are removed, the bloodstream can be easily rerouted to healthy veins deep within the legs.

Does This Treatment Require Hospitalization?

This outpatient “mini surgical” treatment is performed in the comfort of our Memphis, TN office. No hospitalization is required. As soon as the treatment has been completed, you’ll be free to return home once you’ve been walked through the necessary after-care information.

How Long Is the Treatment?

Treatment typically takes about an hour, depending on the location, size, and amount of varicose veins to be removed. In order to ensure your treatment is as quick and effective as possible, an ultrasound may be performed of the area. This will give us a clear idea of how many veins need to be treated, and what size the veins are. The ultrasound will also show us the health of deeper veins, so we can determine that they are not the cause of the veins needing to be removed.

Who Is This Treatment For?

Anyone who is suffering from the discomfort of varicose veins, or is simply displeased with the appearance of the veins, can benefit from this treatment. This treatment is highly effective for superficial varicose veins – that means those that are close to the surface. Additionally, bulging and twisted veins can be targeted by this treatment. An ideal candidate is in good overall health and has realistic expectations for the treatment process and outcomes.

If you’re not sure if that sounds like you, don’t worry. That’s what a consultation is for. At our initial consultation, we’ll be able to assess your affected areas, give you a fuller understanding of what to expect from the treatment, and help you determine whether phlebectomy is the right treatment for you.

How To Prepare for Treatment

In addition to the aforementioned ultrasound, in order to get an accurate assessment of your vein health, a duplex scan may also be required. This is part of the preparatory physical examination and allows us to verify the location of the damaged veins. With the duplex scan, we can also see the blood flow of the affected areas and rule out thromboses in the veins. We will need to ask you about any prescription and over-the-counter medications you have taken recently or are currently taking, as some types of medications and supplements can cause blood to thin or prevent clotting.

In the event you are taking any medications that could impede the efficacy of or impose a risk to the safety of this treatment, cessation of these medications will be required.

What Are the Benefits?

Fast Recovery Times

This treatment is also known as ambulatory phlebectomy, as the minimally invasive nature of this treatment means you can immediately continue with your daily routine after the treatment is finished. There are no long recovery times; you’ll be able to walk immediately and you’ll soon be able to enjoy your legs’ new vein-free appearance.

Fast, Long-Lasting Results

One of the benefits of this treatment is that the pain relief offered by microphlebectomy is immediate. Paired with the lack of extensive recovery time, this treatment is ideal for those wanting fast, effective results. After your appointment, you’ll be able to walk and go about your day right away. You may need an hour or less of reduced activity following the treatment, but you’ll otherwise feel immediate relief from the removal of the veins. This treatment should not result in any swelling, numbness, irritation, inflammation, or other discomfort.

Thankfully, the results of this treatment are permanent. If, however, the root cause of your varicose veins remains untreated, follow-up treatments may be required. This is because ambulatory phlebectomy treats superficial varicose veins, but other veins may become twisted or bulging if the underlying condition is not addressed.

Insurance Coverage

Varicose veins are a serious threat to your health, so this treatment is covered by most health insurance providers. AETNA, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, Cigna, Medicare, and United Healthcare are all proud partners of Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center. That being said, we cannot guarantee coverage, as it can vary depending on your plan and provider. It is possible that the entire treatment, including localized anesthesia, can be covered by your provider. It’s important that you talk to your insurance provider about your interest in receiving ambulatory phlebectomy in order to understand your coverage.

Other Treatment Options

In addition to ambulatory phlebectomy, our team also offers several other varicose vein treatment options. VenaSeal therapy is another popular treatment method we offer. This is a ground-breaking method of endovenous ablation that uses medical adhesive to seal off affected veins, rather than heat or radiofrequency energy. You may also be interested in endovenous laser treatment (ELT), which is an ultrasound-guided treatment using infrared laser light to treat the affected veins.

What Are Varicose Veins?

In healthy blood veins, the blood flows via one-way valves towards the heart. Varicose veins are formed when these valves become weak or damaged, resulting in pooling blood in the veins. This causes an increase in venous blood pressure, causing the bulging appearance of the veins. Risk factors for developing varicose veins include obesity, pregnancy, excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine consumption, and inactivity due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Why Remove Varicose Veins?

Aside from being aesthetically displeasing, varicose veins can pose a serious risk to your health. Varicose veins can cause a painful condition known as superficial phlebitis; this happens when blood that has pooled in the veins forms a clot. This is not generally dangerous, however, if a blood cut forms outside of the veins, the clot can separate and travel through your circulatory system.

If this clot becomes lodged in a lung, it can be potentially fatal. This is known as a pulmonary embolism. While not all varicose veins result in this condition, the removal of the veins removes the risk of developing a pulmonary embolism.

How To Decrease Your Risk

Improving your general health is the best way to mitigate the risk of developing varicose veins. For example, maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can contribute to better overall health. In addition, lowering your consumption of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, and sodium can greatly improve your blood pressure and thereby lower your risk of developing adverse health conditions. For reducing the risk of developing varicose veins during pregnancy, keeping your legs elevated and wearing prescription compression socks can help.

Improve Your Vein Health Today

When varicose veins appear on your legs, you may feel like your only option is to hide your legs away from the rest of the world, only longing to be like the others who can flaunt their legs in the sun. However, with microphlebectomy, vein-free legs are within your reach. Soon, you’ll be the one to walk in the sun. No more need for hiding. To get started on your varicose vein removal journey, visit Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN to book your consultation today.

How Does Foam Sclerotherapy Work?

How Does Foam Sclerotherapy Work?

Varicose veins are not an uncommon problem, but that doesn’t make them any easier to deal with. Many who suffer from varicose veins dislike their appearance, but some also deal with aches and pain as a result of them. Here at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we help lots of patients get rid of their varicose veins so that they can feel more comfortable and more confident.

Foam Sclerotherapy: What Is It?

Foam sclerotherapy treatment involves the injection of a foaming substance into varicose veins. The solution blocks and seals the vein in order to make it collapse. Since diseased veins already have limited blood flow, there is no risk of forcing them to collapse. Only a very limited number of veins will be treated so there is no risk to health by removing those which are already diseased.

The body gets to work as soon as a vein is blocked off. It redirects the flow of blood through veins in the surrounding area which are healthy. The blocked vein is then slowly broken down and processed by the body. Not only are the varicose veins removed, but general circulation in the area is also improved thanks to the body’s process of redirecting blood flow.

How Does Foam Sclerotherapy Treatment Work?

The first step in this treatment is an initial consultation with us. Here, we’ll give you a full physical and check over your medical history. The next step is to examine your varicose veins to check that you’re a good candidate for this treatment.

We always advise that sclerotherapy patients wear shorts for their treatment, or to bring a pair along to change into afterward. The foaming solution is injected via a very fine needle and you can rest assured that the process is not painful. The whole treatment takes just 30 to 40 minutes. Once it is over, we ask you to wear compression stockings for a while in order to help aid healthy blood flow.

How Soon Will I See The Results?

Where patients feel aches and pains from their varicose veins, they report that the pain dissipates instantly with this treatment. You’ll also see an immediate improvement in the appearance of the treated area since targeted veins begin to constrict very quickly.

It takes longer for the body to completely reabsorb the tissue of the treated veins. In around a year, the vein will have completely disappeared; it won’t even be identifiable via ultrasound. Foam sclerotherapy treatment is a truly fantastic solution for varicose veins thanks to its rapid results.

What Happens After the Treatment?

There is no real downtime associated with this treatment. It’s important to wear the compression stocking at all times during the first 24 hours. After this point, you can take the stocking off when you shower, but we usually ask that you wear it as much as possible for a number of days after the treatment. The total length of time you’ll need to wear the compression stocking varies from patient to patient, so we’ll advise you on these specifics after your treatment and before you leave our clinic.

We advise that you do not take long, hot baths for a short while after Foam sclerotherapy treatment. Patients should also avoid strenuous exercise for at least one week. It is even more important to avoid exercises primarily involving the lower part of the body.

FAQs About Varicose Veins

How Do Varicose Veins Form?

Around 30% of adults experience varicose veins, which makes it a common problem. A larger proportion of us have spider veins, which are less obvious and serious but can sometimes be the precursor to varicose veins.

Vein Valves and Their Role

Veins contain lots of one-way valves which help to stop blood from flowing backward when veins are working against gravity. Sometimes these valves can be become damaged or weakened. This results in the blood flowing back along the vein towards the next valve. Here, the blood begins to pool which results in the vein becoming enlarged. This is how varicose veins form.

What Are Varicose Vein Symptoms?

Common Signs

For some people, varicose veins pose no symptoms other than their obvious enlarged and twisted appearance. When this is the case, treatment might only be pursued for aesthetic reasons. However, in some cases, varicose veins cause an achy, heavy sensation in the legs which might become so severe that it impacts day-to-day life.

Varicose veins can also cause throbbing, cramping, and burning sensations, or lead to swelling in the legs. Often these symptoms worsen after standing or sitting for long periods of time. It’s also common to experience discoloration of the skin and itching around the affected area.

Severe Symptoms

In rare instances, varicose veins can cause serious complications. It is possible for ulcers to form around the damaged veins which can be incredibly painful and pose a risk of infection. There is also a risk of blood clots forming in the veins and these can be incredibly dangerous. Be sure to consult a doctor immediately if you notice a major swelling or ulcer forming on areas affected by varicose veins.

Who Is Most At Risk for Varicose Veins?

Age and Genetics

If you have blood relatives who have suffered from varicose veins, you are more likely than usual to experience them. Age also plays a role because vein valves tend to get weaker as we get older.


Women are more susceptible to varicose veins than men, but we don’t yet understand why this is. It could be that women experience more hormonal changes throughout their lives, particularly due to pregnancy, and we already know that hormones can play a role in varicose vein development. Aside from its hormonal impact, pregnancy also increases the risk of varicose veins. This is because the volume of blood in the body increases during pregnancy in order to cater to the growing baby.

Women could also be more at risk of varicose veins due to them being more likely to cross their legs when sitting, which puts pressure on the veins. Sitting with legs crossed is often deemed “polite” for women, but it inhibits healthy blood flow throughout the legs.

Excess Weight

People who are obese are at a higher risk of developing varicose veins than others. The excess weight puts pressure on the veins which makes it harder for the veins to transport blood. People who are overweight may also be more likely to be sedentary than those who are slimmer. Sitting or lying down for long periods inhibits healthy blood flow in the legs.

Can Varicose Veins Be Prevented?

It is impossible to completely prevent varicose veins. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk.

Frequent Exercise

Exercise supports healthy circulation. Plus, it can help to build muscle in the legs which supports healthy blood flow in leg veins.

Frequent exercise is also a great way to reduce high blood pressure which can worsen vein problems. People who already have varicose veins should not do too much strenuous exercise as this could put pressure on the veins and worsen the problem. However, low-impact, gentle exercise like walking and swimming are great ways to stay healthy and reduce the risk of varicose veins getting worse.

Healthy Diet

Consuming high levels of sodium causes the body to retain water. Water retention leads to swelling which puts additional pressure on the veins. Reduce your intake of salty foods to reduce your risk of varicose veins. Potassium helps to reduce water retention and swelling, so make sure to get plenty of this nutrient. Leafy greens, salmon, tuna, almonds, bananas, and lentils are all good sources of potassium.

Flavinoids are another important nutrient for supporting healthy vein function because they improve blood circulation and help to bring down blood pressure. Citrus fruits, berries, tea, kale, dark chocolate, and red wine are all great sources of flavonoids.

Wear Loose Garments

Very tight-fitting garments can interrupt healthy blood flow. Avoid wearing pants that are very tight at the hips to ensure blood flow to the legs is not inhibited. You could also avoid high-heeled shoes as these can cause strain to the leg muscles and veins.

Put Your Feet Up Regularly

You can support healthy blood flow in the legs by taking plenty of breaks where you raise your legs up. This will allow gravity to help the blood to flow back towards your heart. It is particularly helpful to do this in the evening after a long day on your feet.


You should avoid putting direct pressure on existing varicose veins. However, gentle massage of the legs, particularly if so far you have only got spider veins, can help to relieve swelling and maintain healthy blood flow.

Stay Mobile

Perhaps the worst possible thing for the health of leg veins is staying still. Try to keep moving as much as possible to aid blood flow. Take time to stand up and move the legs regularly, particularly if your job involves sitting most of the time. When you do sit, avoid crossing your legs as this further restricts blood flow.

Eliminate Varicose Veins for Good

Even with all the preventative steps in the world, sometimes varicose veins simply happen. That doesn’t mean you have to live with them. Get in touch with us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, to find out if foam sclerotherapy treatment is the right treatment to eliminate your varicose veins.

What Is the Best Way To Get Rid of Spider Veins?

What Is the Best Way To Get Rid of Spider Veins?

Spider veins are a common problem, especially for people who spend a lot of time standing or sitting. They’re small, but they can really affect the way you feel about your legs. Fortunately, there are effective treatments that can get rid of those pesky veins. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer different treatment options for those looking for relief.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are tiny blood vessels that have enlarged, twisted, and become visible on the surface of your skin. They’re typically red, purple, or blue. They often look like a spider web because they tend to group together to form more extensive networks. This is known as telangiectasias. These problematic veins are common among people who spend a lot of time sitting or standing, such as office workers and flight attendants. They can also affect people with chronic medical conditions like diabetes.

The Best Treatment Methods

There are different treatment options available, but the most effective options are ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy and laser removal. Sclerotherapy treatment involves injecting a solution into these veins. The chemical in this injection irritates and damages the walls of these small blood vessels so they can no longer carry blood to nearby areas. Over time, these tiny veins fade from view.

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

In order to find the veins, a special ultrasound machine is used to visualize them beneath your skin. This allows for proper tracking of these problematic veins throughout your treatment process. Once you’re ready for injection, numbing medication is applied at the site where the solution will be injected. A tiny needle punctures your skin and delivers a specific amount of sclerotherapy solution directly inside each targeted vein in order to treat it effectively.

Ultrasound helps determine the number of veins that need to be treated, which is important because it will determine how long your treatment takes. Afterward, compression stockings are applied on both legs. This helps reduce any residual discomfort or swelling you may experience after treatment and speeds up recovery time so you can get back to normal activities more quickly.

6 Benefits of Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

There are many benefits to this type of treatment, including:

1) Easier Access to Smaller or Hard-To-Reach Areas

This treatment is helpful for veins located in small, tricky-to-reach areas because a special machine is used to visualize the tiny veins beneath your skin.

2) It’s Minimally Invasive

No general anesthesia or significant incisions are required. Plus, you can safely receive ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy in the comfort and privacy of our office.

3) No Downtime

There is little downtime involved with this treatment option because there is no need for an anesthetic. You can go about your day immediately after receiving treatment without any visible signs other than compression stockings on the treated leg.

4) Reduced Risk of Bleeding

There is only a small risk of bleeding because ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy allows for precise injection into each targeted vein. This also minimizes the chance of overdose.

5) Guaranteed Results

With ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, the doctor can treat each of the targeted veins one at a time. This means that you’re less likely to need multiple treatments and will get guaranteed results.

6) Minimal Discomfort

You likely won’t need to take any pain medications after treatment. There is little discomfort involved with this process, and it can be easily managed thanks to numbing medication applied at the injection site.

Laser Removal Treatment

If you’re looking for an advanced solution to treat these veins, laser removal might be your best bet because it specifically targets these problematic blood vessels. During this treatment, the doctor uses lasers or intense pulsed light (IPL) energy to heat up and destroy excess blood flow in the target area.

The goal is to eliminate venous reflux by collapsing any enlarged vein walls through thermal damage. This causes those problematic veins to fade over time. It can take around three to six months before the treated veins disappear entirely.

What Causes Spider Veins?

These veins can appear due to sun damage, genetics, or spending too much time standing or sitting down. Let’s discuss these causative factors in detail:

Sun Damage

Sun damage speeds up the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin in your skin, leading to weak capillaries that don’t function properly. As a result, you’re more likely to see those small veins appear under your skin surface as they attempt to carry blood to nearby areas.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances such as pregnancy and menopause can cause changes in your body’s blood flow, leading to the development of these veins. Menopause causes hormonal changes that affect your body’s ability to produce estrogen and progesterone in the same quantities they did before this life stage began. As a result of these fluctuations, you might experience an increase in venous pressure or decreased collagen production.

In addition, pregnant women are more at risk of developing these veins because the pressure on blood vessels is even greater for them.


If your parents or siblings have these problematic veins, you might be more likely to develop them too. This is because genetics are believed to play a role in the formation of these problematic veins.

Weight Gain or Loss

When you’re overweight, your body produces excess estrogen, which can contribute to increased pressure on your blood vessels and weakened walls. The result of this imbalance often leads to the formation of these pesky veins.

When you’re underweight, you might experience anemia, which weakens muscle contractions that push blood through capillaries toward major arteries throughout your lower extremities. This slows down blood circulation and causes uneven pressure distribution, leading to the development of this condition.

Occupations That Involve A Lot of Standing

People who are on their feet all day, such as waitresses or cashiers, can be at risk of developing these veins. That’s because they’re putting more pressure on their legs due to standing for extended periods.

Common Signs and Symptoms

Spider veins are typically a cosmetic problem with little pain. However, if these problematic veins become irritated or inflamed, they might cause the following:

Tingling and Burning Sensation in Your Legs

When these veins are irritated or inflamed, you might experience tingling, itching, and burning sensations on the surface of your skin. It becomes even harder to ignore their presence if they become more sensitive to touch due to inflammation.

You can also expect pain if a spider vein gets ruptured by too much pressure from increased blood circulation throughout this area. Note, if one of the veins bursts under high venous pressure but doesn’t heal properly or quickly enough, you might develop chronic leg ulcers.

Aching Pain in Your Legs

These veins can cause aching pain in the lower parts of your legs. That’s because increased blood pressure against the walls of these capillaries can damage them and cause significant pain as blood squeezes through.

However, this condition is not always painful during the early stages of its development. If your condition is mild or just getting started, there’re still some signs you might experience:

  • Darkening of the skin around the veins
  • Change in skin color around the veins
  • Increase in size of the veins

How Often Should I Go for Sclerotherapy Treatment?

There is no set time frame on how long it takes to clear up these veins. It just depends on the size of each vein and the number of treatments you need for them to disappear completely. On average, many people only require two or four sclerotherapy sessions before they see significant improvements.

How Long Does It Take for Veins to Heal After Sclerotherapy Treatment?

These veins typically fade away within two to three months. However, they might take up to six months before they disappear entirely after the first treatment session.

How Long Do the Results of Sclerotherapy Last?

These veins generally return if you don’t make lifestyle changes that’ll prevent them from returning. However, results of sclerotherapy last anywhere from two years to a lifetime. After two years, some people only require one additional touch-up treatment session for new spider veins not to appear again.

Schedule An Appointment Today!

Spider veins are a common problem that many people suffer from. Sclerotherapy and laser removal treatments work well to clear up these veins and return your legs to normal functioning within a few months. Visit us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, to learn more about how we can treat your condition.

How Long Does Varicose Vein Treatment Take?

How Long Does Varicose Vein Treatment Take?

Varicose veins can usually be found in the legs, and they are enlarged, swollen veins where the blood can’t easily pass anymore. Not only are they a cosmetic concern, but many people have pain, cramps, and swelling associated with the condition. For this reason, it’s important that you get your veins treated as soon as possible. Here at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer an innovative varicose vein treatment called Sclerotherapy.

With Sclerotherapy, your veins can be removed quickly and effectively, and you won’t have to spend many days recovering because it’s not a surgical intervention. In fact, your preparation time and aftercare are minimal, and your appointment shouldn’t last longer than an hour. In today’s post, we’ll go over what this treatment entails and how long you will have to wait for your results to become visible.

Sclerotherapy or Laser Therapy: Quick and Effective Varicose Vein Treatment

One of the easiest and most permanent ways of addressing varicose veins is sclerotherapy, a method that involves injecting a substance called sclerosant into your affected veins. This will cause your vein to collapse so that no blood can travel through it anymore. Over time, your blood will find new pathways because you have plenty of veins, and your body will start to break down and absorb the broken vein.

Laser therapy works in a similar way, but instead of sclerosant, laser energy is used to burn the vein and make it collapse. When you come to us with concerns about varicose veins, we will speak to you about these two options and which one you’d prefer. Since both are quick, effective, and permanent, you will see great results no matter what we choose. Most patients find that their varicosities disappear after around 3 months.

How Do I Have To Prepare?

Both sclerotherapy and laser therapy require minimal preparation time, so you should be able to perform all of your normal activities in the weeks and days leading up to your treatment. We might invite you to an initial consultation before booking you in for a session, so we can get to know you and find out which method would be the most appropriate.

As your treatment approaches, you will have to stop taking any blood-thinning medication and supplements to make sure that your therapy will be as safe and effective as possible. You will need to come to the clinic with loose-fitting clothing, and you should clean your legs with antibacterial soap before arriving so that you don’t risk infection. It’s also a good idea to hydrate and have a light snack before your appointment.

How Long Will My Appointment Take?

A sclerotherapy appointment can take as little as 15-30 minutes, particularly if your veins are small and you don’t need to have very many removed. First, your doctor will numb the treatment area with a local anesthetic so that you won’t feel pain as we inject the sclerosant. Once this has taken effect, we can then start the injections, which shouldn’t take long at all. When they’re complete, you can leave the clinic and return home.

Laser therapy works similarly, and your appointment should also take less than an hour. In most cases, the doctor will spend around 20-30 minutes on each leg, but this will depend on how severe your varicosities are and how many different veins have to be treated. We can tell you more about the predicted duration of your appointment when you come in for your initial consultation.

What’s the Recovery Period Like?

As soon as you return home, you can resume your normal day-to-day activities. Some of our patients prefer to rest for a few days, especially if they have been treated on both legs or have had a very large varicose vein removed. Your body will be working hard to get rid of the collapsed veins, so you might feel tired for a few hours or days after your session.

During the first 2-4 days, you should avoid exposing your legs to direct sunlight, taking very hot showers and baths, or using a whirlpool, and extremely strenuous exercise that makes you sweat a lot. Sometimes, applying cold compresses to the treatment area can speed up your recovery, but be sure to ask your doctor about this before proceeding. After two weeks, you should be completely back to normal.

How Often Do I Need To Come in?

When you come to the clinic, we will discuss how many times you need to come in for varicose vein treatment. Some people can get all of their veins removed on the same day, particularly if they are small or close to the surface of the skin. However, particularly large veins sometimes need more than one treatment, so you might need to return to the clinic a few weeks or months after your initial session.

Both sclerotherapy and laser therapy are considered permanent treatments because your veins are absorbed by the body, and they shouldn’t grow back. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t ever suffer from varicose veins again. You still have to take care of yourself well, live a healthy lifestyle, and keep your blood circulating by doing regular exercise in order to prevent the recurrence of this condition.

When Will I Notice Results?

As mentioned, the veins won’t be removed from your body surgically, but they will be absorbed by natural processes after they have collapsed. That’s the reason why your results won’t be instant. If you have small spider veins, you might notice that they are gone a few weeks after your treatment, but if you’ve had large varicosities treated, you’ll have to wait for around 3 months.

The vein will slowly start to fade, so there isn’t a drastic transformation, but after several months, you’ll notice that it is no longer there. The pain associated with the condition should also decrease and then disappear completely.

What Variations of Sclerotherapy Are There?

Sclerotherapy and laser therapy alone might not be sufficient for everyone, so there are several variations we can try if you have severe varicosities. For example, we can inject a foam version of sclerosant instead of a liquid because this may be able to reach a larger surface area and seal off your vein more completely.

Similarly, we can use ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy for veins that are deeper in your body. With this method, we can even treat those varicosities that you can’t yet see but that will bother you later on in life if they’re not addressed.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Now that you know how varicose vein treatment works and how easy your appointment will be, you might wonder whether you’re a good candidate. Because both sclerotherapy and laser therapy are minimally invasive methods, most patients with varicose veins are a good fit. In fact, you’ll be able to take advantage of these methods even if you have a condition that prevents you from taking part in elective surgery.

If you’re in good general health and don’t have a severe medical condition, you’ll be a great candidate for our treatments. Before getting started, we will make sure that you don’t have any allergies that could interfere with the therapy, and we’ll tell you to stop taking medications that might cause side effects. This will help us to create a safe, effective treatment that doesn’t put you at risk.

Your Struggles with Varicose Veins

At your initial consultation, we will assess your struggle with a spider or varicose veins to determine which of the two methods is the best fit for you. If you have very severe varicosities, we can combine the treatments, but in most cases, we will choose the one that we think will be more effective for you. The best way to find out how you can get rid of your condition is to contact us directly.

Regain Smooth, Pain-Free Legs Now

As well as being a cosmetic concern, varicose veins can be very painful, and they can lead to complications further down the line. That’s why you should look for treatment as soon as you notice any pain associated with the condition. Sclerotherapy is a good varicose vein treatment for many patients because it’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require surgery or a general anesthetic, so you won’t have to spend a night at the hospital after your appointment.

To get started and find out whether you’re eligible, you should contact your local clinic and book an initial appointment. Get in touch with us at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN today and speak to one of our expert providers. We will be able to review your case, assess your symptoms, and suggest the best course of action in order to resolve your varicose veins permanently.

What Size Fibroids Need Surgery?

What Size Fibroids Need Surgery?

If you have uterine fibroids, you may be overwhelmed as you consider the pros and cons of your different treatment options. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer uterine fibroid embolization, which can provide our patients with a safe, minimally invasive treatment that can help better their lives.

Prioritize your comfort and well-being.

It may be time to consider UFE if you want to avoid some of the painful symptoms that can arise with larger fibroids. You may also want to seek out treatment if you’re already suffering from some of these symptoms and are seeking relief. Any fibroid that is large enough to be causing pain is large enough to consider treatment.

As fibroids continue to grow, the list of symptoms and complications they can cause tends to grow along with them. Uterine fibroids can range from about the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. If you’re concerned about the possibility of fibroids or the size of your fibroids, an imaging test can help determine how large they are, and whether or not you should consider having them addressed.

Large, Untreated Fibroids May Burst or Degenerate

When a large fibroid runs out of the blood supply that’s feeding it, the fibroid may shrink or die. This can cause unexpected pain and tenderness in the area due to the chemicals released during cell death.

While it’s not as common, large fibroids may also burst if left untreated. Rather than risk the fibroid bursting or dying on its own in an uncontrolled manner, having a large fibroid professionally treated may help the process be safer and more controlled. Better yet, treating a fibroid while it’s still small can make treatment even more seamless.

Consider Treatment Before the Fibroid Reaches Grapefruit Size

The larger a fibroid is allowed to grow, the more difficult treatment can become. To make treatment as simple and comfortable as possible, you may want to consider treating your fibroids before they reach the size of a grapefruit.

Another reason to seek out treatment before the fibroid gets large is there can be a rare association between large fibroids, and blood clots developing in the lungs.

Large Fibroids May Misshape Your Uterine Lining

One fibroid type is submucosal fibroids, and they develop on the inside of the uterus. When left to grow, these fibroids can eventually begin to misshape the lining of the uterus. This may increase the risk of reproductive issues down the line.

Seeking out treatment before the fibroid is large enough to damage your uterine lining may help protect you from facing additional reproductive issues in the future.

Understanding Treatment

Uterine fibroid embolization, also called UFE, is a treatment for uterine fibroids that is less invasive than a hysterectomy. It’s an outpatient treatment in which a small incision is made in the upper thigh, and a catheter is inserted into it. This catheter is moved gently to the location of the fibroid by our qualified team, who will guide it through your blood vessels.

We may use the help of specialized x-rays to give our team expert precision. Once we reach the fibroid, a material that will block the blood supply feeding your fibroid can be passed through the catheter. This will lead to the fibroid eventually “starving” and shrinking over time as a result. When fibroids shrink, the symptoms related to fibroids usually resolve themselves.

What Other Treatments Are There?

Hormonal Treatments

Several treatment options may be available for you to try. One of the options presented to you could be hormonal medication. If this treatment is a success, you may not need uterine fibroid embolization or other further treatment for the time being. However, if this treatment doesn’t yield the results you were hoping for, or if hormonal medication isn’t a good fit for you, embolization may be the way to go.


The go-to treatment for uterine fibroids used to be a hysterectomy. While it’s true that a hysterectomy will get rid of your fibroids, it also involves the removal of your uterus. It’s an effective treatment, but it’s much more invasive. Hysterectomies are carried out under general anesthesia and are associated with a long recovery time as well as a stay in the hospital.

Hysterectomies can cause hormonal issues and can also increase the risk of developing issues with your pelvic floor, bladder, or bowels as you recover from surgery. Additionally, patients who hope to become pregnant will no longer be able to do so if their uterus is removed. A hysterectomy may be effective and a good treatment option for some, but for patients who are hoping to avoid these potential side effects, UFE is the preferred treatment method.

How Long Until Fibroids Shrink After UFE?

While the timeline can vary depending on the size and location of the fibroids, you can generally expect your fibroids to begin shrinking down after two to three months. As your fibroids shrink down, you should begin to notice increasing improvement of your symptoms.

What Are the Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

It’s Quick

Since we can carry this treatment out in an outpatient setting, you won’t need to be spending the night here. After we observe you for a bit you can go relax in the comfort of your own home.

It Leaves Your Hormones Alone

When you get a hysterectomy, it will trigger early menopause. Menopause brings a lot of hormonal changes along it. If you aren’t ready for its sudden onset after surgery, it can be distressing to deal with. Hormonal medication can also change your body’s hormonal balance. UFE only messes with the fibroids, it doesn’t mess with your hormones.

It May Help You Protect Your Organs

Sometimes after a hysterectomy, surrounding organs can become infected and develop protruding tissue. This may lead to issues down the line. When you’re able to keep your uterus and seek out alternative treatments, not only can you avoid the emotional loss associated with a hysterectomy, but it may also help you protect your other organs.

UFE Tends To Be Less Expensive Than Hysterectomies

There are many health insurance companies that are willing to cover part or all of UFE treatment. During your consultation, we can take a look at your insurance and help you answer questions about cost and coverage.

Health insurance aside, it can save you even more money when it comes to downtime. If you don’t have the sick days to spend, it can be very expensive to take extended time off work as you recover from a more serious surgery such as a hysterectomy. UFE is a streamlined process that can shave down a lot of that recovery time and may save you thousands of dollars.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

A Diagnosis Is Key

Since some of the symptoms of uterine fibroids can overlap with other issues, it’s important to seek out a diagnosis so you know what you’re dealing with. Since fibroids aren’t always caught by gynecologists, other diagnostic tests are available if you think you may have them.

Since smaller fibroids may not need to be treated, these tests can sometimes be used to keep an eye on your fibroids to make sure they aren’t getting too big. These tests include:

  • Ultrasounds
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Sonohysterography


Symptoms You May Notice at Home

Any concerning symptoms are a clear sign that it’s time to get checked out by a professional. Severe menstrual bleeding and sharp pain in your pelvis can mean a lot of things, and it’s very important to rule out serious or pressing issues.

Fibroids can be tricky to diagnose based on symptoms alone, since the symptoms can vary so widely. Some symptoms are vague, while others are a little more obvious. How many fibroids you have, where they are, and how big they are can all factor into how you experience any symptoms associated with them. Very small fibroids may have no symptoms at all.

Bladder Incontinence

Large fibroids may begin to push up against your bladder. This pressure can make you feel like you have to empty your bladder more often than you used to. This change can be dramatic enough that some patients may find themselves making midnight runs to the bathroom when they used to be able to comfortably sleep through the night.

There can be several causes behind bladder incontinence, but if you find yourself having to wear a menstrual pad to protect yourself from a leaky bladder, or that you’re having to run to the restroom more than you think you should, it may be time to look into uterine fibroids.

Heavy Bleeding

Heavy periods are another symptom that can have many factors behind it. It’s common enough that some women accept their heavy periods as normal for them.

The truth is, if your period is going on for longer than a week, if you’re passing blood clots larger than a quarter, or you’re finding yourself getting anemic during your monthly cycle, that shouldn’t be normal. If other contributing factors are ruled out, fibroids could be to blame.

Infertility and Miscarriage

Smaller fibroids in particular usually will have no effect on your ability to have a healthy pregnancy. In some cases, however, the size or location of the fibroids may interfere with fertility. Fibroids that block either the fallopian tubes or endometrial cavity can make conception more difficult. Large fibroids may also put a patient at greater risk of suffering a miscarriage.

If you have concerns about any interference your fibroids may have with your fertility, we would be happy to consult with you and help you make a call about your best treatment options.

Pain in the Pelvis or During Your Period

Vague, chronic pain in the pelvis is a common complaint with patients suffering from uterine fibroids. This pain is often described as a burning or heaviness in the area. You may notice the pain increase when you’re bending over, exercising, or laying on your stomach.

Even without daily pain, fibroids can act up during your period. Periods shouldn’t be completely debilitating, but so many women are used to pain during their period that they may ignore this symptom. If you have to call in sick or cancel plans regularly due to how painful your period is, you may want to be checked for fibroids.

Painful Sex

When pressure is put on a fibroid, it can cause discomfort or pain. So, when fibroids are found near the cervix, this pain or discomfort may occur during intercourse. As you seek out treatment, changing the position you use during sex to alleviate this pressure may help you be more comfortable.

Don’t Ignore the Symptoms

If you’re ready for a better comfort level, we’re here to help you achieve that. Contact our compassionate team at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center of Memphis, TN, today for your consultation.