
WREG-TV Guest: Dr. Phillip T. Zeni, Jr., M.D.

Dr. Phillip T. Zeni, Jr., M.D. was a featured guest on WREG-TV’s Live @9 discussing the vascular disease awareness campaign GET SCREENED. He was the guest of program host Marybeth Conley in the Live @9 program. Joining Dr. Zeni was a vascular patient, Nicole Hindmann, whom he has successfully treated. WREG-TV is a CBS affiliate serving the Memphis metro.

Heal on Beale

Heal on Beale

Heal on Beale is a triennial event scheduled this year for Oct. 11-13 at the Memphis Sheraton Downtown. The event brings together medical and health care providers from acute care, long term and home care, plus nurse managers, researchers and educators. With a full range of podium presentations, networking lunches and breakout sessions with 13 learning facilitators, Heal on Beale 4.0 promises to advance the practice of wound, ostomy and continence for attendees.

Prominent among the learning facilitators is Memphis vascular and interventional physician Phillip T. Zeni, Jr., M.D., FSIR who will conduct a session entitled Arterial & Venous Treatments of Lower Extremities” on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 130. Dr. Zeni has been in-practice in Memphis for 20 years and is the Medical Director and owner of Zenith Health and Aesthetics in East Memphis.

Memphis Health Fair

Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center participated in a 3-day mimeo.com Memphis Health Fair recently. This in-plant event for mimeo’s 500+ employees featured free screening and consultations by Zenith’s medical professionals. The fair was organized and managed by mimeo’s Benefits Manager, Tamiko Collins. Banners and signs (produced in-house, of course) were placed throughout mimeo.com’s facility to remind employees of the event.

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