How Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Performed?

How Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization Performed?

Women with uterine fibroids can experience heavy bleeding, frequent urination, and pain during intercourse. Without treatment, this condition can cause severe discomfort and interfere with a woman’s quality of life. A minimally invasive treatment that we perform to help women with this condition is called uterine fibroid embolization. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we offer this minimally-invasive treatment that cuts off blood supply to fibroids, causing them to disappear.

What Happens During Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

Uterine fibroid embolization, or UFE, is a safe, convenient treatment for fibroids without the need for surgery. It’s a minimally invasive alternative to operations that require extended recovery periods. For women who’d like to minimize the risks involved in treatment and still expect superior results, it’s an ideal choice.

By preventing blood circulation to uterine fibroids, embolization expels and removes these unwanted growths from a woman’s body. This treatment is performed by a radiology expert and requires minimal to no hospitalization. Thanks to this treatment, women can also enjoy faster healing than surgery and not worry about operations that can affect their future fertility.

Preparing for the Treatment

Preparation for the treatment should be straightforward. First, we’ll ask you about all drugs and forms of medication you take, including natural medicines. We may also ask you to list down all your known allergies to ensure that there won’t be any interference with anesthesia and contrast materials that are to be used.

During your initial consultation, we might advise you to stop taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications. We may provide you with a complete list of foods and drinks to avoid, to minimize the chances of having your appointment canceled. Your body should be in the right condition for the treatment. If we have advised you to take medicines right before the treatment, you may only consume a light snack or a bottle of water.

Will Anesthesia Be Necessary?

It’s also possible that you may be given a sedative around an hour before the operation to help you relax. However, there’s nothing to worry about, because it will not put you to sleep. You need to be awake during the treatment because we might give you some additional orders to follow.

Performing the Treatment

A small flexible tube will be inserted into a blood vessel in your upper thigh. The surgical drip will sterilize the region of your body in which a catheter will be placed. This catheter then injects a substance known as contrast material into your body. You will sense a warm feeling as it rises to the uterus.

In real-time, the radiologist projects x-rays on a video screen to examine the arteries in your body. The specialist will then direct the catheter into the arteries that supply blood flow to your uterine fibroids. Once the target arteries have been located, the radiologist will inject a solution of polyvinyl alcohol particles into these uterine arteries. These particles will then accumulate and obstruct blood flow into your uterine fibroids, therefore killing them.

How Long Does It Take?

The treatment shouldn’t last long. Typically, one treatment session lasts between one to three hours. The duration of your treatment depends on the catheter being used and how difficult or easy it is to pinpoint the arteries targeted by the treatment.

By the end of the treatment, we will remove the catheter from your body and apply pressure to the injection site. We will keep the area compressed for several minutes until the bleeding has stopped or significantly slowed down. We will clean and dress the area with a bandage. After this final step, we’ll ask you to get a bed rest of at least six hours.

Can You Go Home Right After the Treatment?

You can be sent home after bed rest if you can manage how you’re feeling afterward. If you think you’ll need additional care and attention, you may spend the night for further monitoring in a medical facility. We prioritize your safety and convenience, so it’s important for us to consider how you feel after the treatment and ensure that you get any additional support as needed.

What’s the Success Rate?

The treatment is a relatively safe and convenient method, with success rates as high as 85%. Many people who have undergone this treatment have enjoyed a significant improvement in their symptoms. Women with heavy menstruation find that their flow adjusts to normal after the treatment.

In contrast to other fibroid treatments, embolization can target most, if not all, fibroids in the uterus. This treatment is an excellent option, not just for those who have a high number of uterine fibroids. Even women dealing with only a small number of fibroids also experience good results and benefits from the treatment.

Self-Care and Recovery After the Treatment

After the treatment, you should expect to feel better every single day. Still, it’s likely that you’ll get exhausted quickly and will need to take pain medication for several days. Normally, women need about a week or more to recover completely. During this time, you may observe light vaginal bleeding or brownish vaginal discharge. These are normal occurrences and should not cause you to feel alarmed.

Lifestyle changes

Having adequate sleep will help you feel better after the treatment. We advise you to try walking every day but do not overexert yourself. Walking improves blood circulation and helps prevent infections and constipation. Avoid challenging exercises such as weight lifting and aerobics for a few weeks.

When it comes to hygiene, it’s safe for you to take warm showers, but try not to take a bath for a couple of days. You may wear sanitary pads in case of bleeding but refrain from using tampons or menstrual cups.

Diet and Nutrition

There are little to no dietary restrictions after your treatment. However, it’s best to eat bland, low-fat foods, especially when you’re experiencing an upset stomach. Drink plenty of water to ease your bowel movements and prevent straining. It’s also a good idea to take a daily fiber supplement.

Why Is Uterine Fibroid More Preferable Than Major Surgeries?

Major surgeries can achieve outstanding results, but they also come with downsides, side-effects, and risks. When less invasive treatments can address your medical condition, it’s always a good idea to choose them instead. There are also some advantages that you can enjoy when you prefer to undergo fibroid embolization.

The Uterus Is Unharmed

In this treatment, all the work is performed inside the blood vessels. Unlike surgical options, such as hysterectomy, we will not need to remove or operate on your womb to eliminate the fibroids. Myomectomy, on the other hand, is an operation resulting in a cut in the womb tissue for fibroids to be removed. In contrast, embolization only cuts off blood supply to the unwanted growths so that uterine tissues stay intact.

No Scarring

The treatment is a minimally invasive solution, so you’ll experience very minimal side effects. Hysterectomy and myomectomy are known to cause scarring on your lower abdomen. Although you may develop a thin scar on the injection site, embolization does not usually lead to scarring.

Improves Symptoms of Fibroid-Related Diseases

A majority of women no longer experience painful, heavy menstruation after the treatment. After two years, a majority will still enjoy this benefit because the fibroids are not expected to grow back.

Less Risky Than Surgery

The treatment does not require general anesthesia. You will not be put to sleep or become unconscious during the treatment. Many women are sent home on the same day.

Fast Recovery Period

Most women can return to daily work within two weeks after the treatment. Their recovery period is much faster compared to other surgical procedures. The time to fully heal is around six weeks.

Treats Multiple Fibroids at Once

This treatment can induce the removal of all the fibroids in your body simultaneously. While hysterectomy can remove all types of fibroids, it requires invasive operations and the removal of the uterus.

Permanently Expels Fibroids

Fibroids may often come out of the uterus through the vagina. This condition is more likely to occur in those who have fibroids on the surface of the uterus.

Lower Overall Cost

Without a premium price tag, the treatment can achieve outcomes comparable to surgery. The added benefit is that you’ll experience a more convenient solution with no harm done. When you choose surgery, the professional fees, prolonged hospital stay, and follow-up procedures will cost much more than UFE. This practical and reliable alternative to surgery requires no hospitalization and will save you a lot of money.

Enhances Your Mood and Confidence

After your treatment and recovery, you will feel like yourself again. Living with uterine fibroid symptoms can seriously interfere with your quality of life. Many women experience pain and sexual problems that can interfere with their mental health and overall well-being. If you don’t feel healthy and functional, it’s not impossible to have low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Did you know that having uterine fibroids can also affect your mood? After the treatment, many women discover a whole new level of comfort and relief. Their view of life drastically changes together with the alleviation of their symptoms.

Ideal Candidates for the Treatment

UFE is a good treatment choice for women who do not foresee receiving blood transfusions in the future. You may be a candidate for this treatment if you are dealing with the symptoms of uterine fibroids. In general, the ideal candidates are those who are:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Not pregnant
  • Wishing to preserve fertility
  • At no risk of pelvic infections
  • Not suffering from an overactive thyroid

If you wish to become pregnant soon, this treatment may not be suitable. It will still be possible for you to have children later on, but we cannot guarantee the success of your efforts.  The treatment poses a chance of affecting the ovary or uterus. It might make it more challenging for you to get pregnant.

When Should You Consider an Alternative Treatment?

This treatment is not suitable for removing all types of uterine fibroids. If you are suffering from fibroids that are just outside the womb’s lining or outside of it, you may need to consider other forms of treatment. These kinds of fibroids are more effectively removed through surgery.

Ease Your Pain and Live a Comfortable Life

Do you feel that a uterine fibroid embolization in Memphis, TN, is the best option for your treatment? With high success rates and multiple benefits to your health and well-being, it’s one of the best ways you can improve your health for today and in the future. If you are ready to find out how this treatment can change your life, contact Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, to schedule your appointment today. With our team, you can expect a personalized, caring experience.

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What Does Microphlebectomy Mean?

What Does Microphlebectomy Mean?

At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, your health and well being are our top priorities. We offer several treatment options for clients who are displeased with the appearance of their varicose veins. But for each of these treatment options, we get several questions. Today, we answer our most frequently asked questions about microphlebectomy, including what it means.

What Does Microphlebectomy Mean?

Microphlebectomy refers to the removal of a medium to large varicose vein through a tiny incision made in the affected area. Most commonly, this treatment is performed to remove varicose veins in the leg. However, varicose veins may also occur in other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, chest, hands, and arms.

How Large Are the Incisions?

The incisions made to perform this treatment are less than 1/4″ in length. The exact size of the incision made will depend on the length of the vein. Most of the incisions we make are only 1 to 3 mm in length.

However, you need not worry about visible scars after the treatment. The incision will only be perceptible for a few weeks. Then it will fade and you will be left with varicose vein-free legs.

What Happens When the Varicose Veins Are Removed?

Once the diseased veins are removed, the blood previously attempting to flow through those veins is rerouted to other deep veins within the legs. Few people realize that they don’t need every one of their veins. In fact, circulation is improved drastically once the diseased vein is removed because blood isn’t struggling to reach your heart anymore.

Will I Have to Spend the Night in a Hospital?

Absolutely not! This outpatient procedure is performed in our state-of-the-art office. You are free to go home as soon as we’re done and we’ve ensured you understand how to care for your treated region after the treatment.

How Long Does it Take?

Depending on the size, number, and locations of the varicose veins, you can expect this treatment to take around an hour. However, you may receive an ultrasound of the area before the procedure so we can see exactly what we are dealing with.

This will make the actual treatment go a lot faster and it also ensures it is more effective. It also ensures that the other deep veins in the area are healthy and not the cause of the varicose veins you need to be removed.

How Do I Prepare for This Treatment?

To prepare for this treatment, we will perform a physical examination of the area to determine where the dysfunctional valves are located. Besides using a handheld ultrasound device to see the veins and valves better, we may also order a duplex scan. This helps us to see the amount of blood flow through the affected veins. It also rules out thromboses in the veins.

It is extremely important that you tell us about any over-the-counter or prescription medications you are currently taking or have taken recently. You may need to stop taking certain types of medications or nutritional supplements, such as those that may thin the blood or prevent blood clotting.

What Are the Benefits of Treatment?

No Downtime

After treatment, you are immediately able to walk and continue with your daily routine. There is no serious downtime involved, and you’ll enjoy the new look of your legs very quickly.

Good for Nearly Anyone

If you are displeased with the appearance of varicose veins, there is a very good chance you are the perfect candidate for this treatment. The types of veins that this treatment corrects are varicose veins that are bulging, close to the surface of the skin (superficial), or twisted.

The best candidate will be in fairly good overall health and have a positive, but realistic, outlook regarding the treatment process and expectations. We will ensure during your initial consultation that you have a solid understanding of what to expect during and after treatment.

During your initial consultation, we will assess the size, number, and location of your varicose veins to determine if you should choose this treatment method for your varicose veins.

Immediate Relief

Most of our clients opt for this treatment method because the pain relief derived from removing the bulging, twisted veins is immediate. Moreover, there is no downtime or extensive recovery period. After an hour or less, they are free to go about their day. The only difference to your day is there will be no painful swelling, discomfort, itching, irritation, pressure, numbness, or tingling. Even better, your aesthetic will be improved immediately, as well.

Permanent Results

The results of this treatment, also known as ambulatory phlebectomy, are permanent. However, depending on the cause of your superficial varicose veins, you may need a follow-up treatment. If the reason you were developing varicose veins in the first place is not treated, there is nothing stopping other veins from bulging and twisting.

Other FAQ About Varicose Vein Treatment

Are Varicose Veins Dangerous?

Varicose veins have the potential to be dangerous. Because the blood in varicose veins pools, it can clot. This painful condition is known as superficial phlebitis and is not necessarily dangerous. When a blood clot forms outside the vein or you develop deep vein thrombosis, the clot can break off from the vein.

When a blood clot separates from a vein, it can travel all the way through your circulatory system and become lodged in one of your lungs. Such a condition is known as a pulmonary embolism and is potentially fatal.

Will I Have to Pay Out of Pocket for This Treatment?

That depends on your health insurance provider. Because varicose veins pose a health risk and often have already caused medical problems, most health insurance providers will cover this treatment. At Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN, we have proudly partnered with Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, AETNA, Cigna and UnitedHealthcare.

Talk to your health insurance provider about your interest in this treatment. If they cover it, you may have to pay a small amount out-of-pocket if you have not yet met your deductible for the year. Otherwise, the entire treatment, including anesthesia, will be covered depending on your plan.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are caused by increased venous blood pressure. In healthy leg veins, blood travels towards the heart via one-way valves. When these valves weaken or become damaged, blood pools in the veins. Some of the most common causes of varicose veins are excessive alcohol consumption, nicotine consumption, obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle.

How Can I Mitigate My Risk of Developing Varicose Veins in the Future?

To mitigate your risk of developing varicose veins in the future, get your overall health in check. If you are overweight or obese, reach a healthy weight. To manage your blood pressure, do not consume nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, or sodium in excess. If you are pregnant, wear prescription-strength compression stockings and keep your legs elevated while you rest.

What Other Treatment Options Do I Have?

There are several other treatment options for varicose veins. Another one of our most popular varicose vein treatment methods is VenaSeal therapy. VenaSeal is a revolutionary form of endovenous ablation that is unlike any other method of endovenous ablation on the market.

Rather than sealing a diseased vein with heat or radiofrequency energy, the diseased vein is healed with a medical adhesive. You are a good candidate for this treatment if you are looking for an alternative to closing veins with heat or energy therapy and have realistic expectations about the treatment and outcome.

What Can I Expect From VenaSeal Therapy?

VenaSeal therapy treatments are performed on an outpatient basis in our state-of-the-art office. Guided by ultrasound technology, we place a catheter into the damaged vein. Once the catheter is in place, we use a proprietary medical adhesive to seal and close the vein.

A bit of pressure is applied to the leg during the treatment. However, because it does not involve heat or energy, there is no pain or discomfort. Treatment is very short and you are free to return to your daily routine immediately after treatment. While the closure of the disordered vein is immediate, the results of your treatment will become more apparent over time.

Is Endovenous Laser Treatment Right for Me?

Endovenous laser treatment for varicose veins, also known as ELT, is an ultrasound-guided treatment method using laser energy. During this treatment, an optical fiber is inserted into the disordered vein and infrared laser light delivers light energy inside the vein. As the vein contracts, the optical fiber is slowly withdrawn.

This incredibly quick treatment may be right for you if you are at risk of complications from vein disease, you suffer from physical symptoms of varicose veins and you’re seeking a non-surgical, highly effective alternative to varicose vein treatment.

What Can I Expect Before ELT?

Before ELT, we will examine your condition and discuss your personal preference to create a tailored treatment plan for your unique case. We are more than happy to answer any and all questions you have about treatment and insurance benefits. If the extent of your vein disease is significant, we will map your veins with ultrasound technology.

This will give us a comprehensive venous flow map that helps us see details not visible from the surface of your skin. This makes the treatment much safer and more effective and efficient. It may also be used to diagnose the cause of your varicose veins, such as other diseased veins deeper within the region.

What Can I Expect After ELT?

After ELT, you are immediately able to return to most of your daily routine. However, you should avoid high-impact activities and wear compression garments for two weeks after treatment. While the treated veins will not open up and become varicose again, currently healthy veins may become varicose in the future.

If you are concerned with developing new varicose veins in the future, we strongly recommend coming in for a regular follow-up appointment to assess your veins and identify potential problems before they become an issue.

Discover How to Improve Your Health and Aesthetics Today

Are you sick and tired of hiding your legs due to gnarly varicose veins? Do you wish you had the self-confidence of your friends and family members? With the help of microphlebectomy, you can. To learn more about this revolutionary treatment, please contact us today at Zenith Vascular & Fibroid Center in Memphis, TN to schedule your initial consultation.

What Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization and It’s Different Types?

What Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization and It’s Different Types?

Did you know that most women will have uterine fibroids before they reach age 50? Symptoms can range from unnoticeable to downright debilitating. Uterine fibroid embolization is the premier minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids, and it offers significant advantages over a hysterectomy. Let the expert staff at Zenith Health & Aesthetics in Memphis, TN ease your uterine fibroid pain so you can live a more comfortable life.

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous growths on the uterus that affect premenopausal women. These growths appear on the muscular walls of the uterus and can range from pea to grapefruit size.

Having uterine fibroids does not put you at an increased risk of developing uterine cancer. Most women, up to 80%, will develop uterine fibroids by the age of 50.

Types of Fibroids

Four types of uterine fibroids may form in the uterus: intramural, pedunculated, submucosal, and subserosal fibroids. Women can one or more types of fibroids at any time. Each type may cause different symptoms.

Intramural Fibroids

Intramural fibroids are the most common fibroids found in the uterus. These fibroids grow in the uterine wall and can grow to very large sizes if left untreated. Some women have many intramural fibroids growing in the same region. Pelvic or lower back pain and abnormal bleeding may result from this fibroid type.

Pedunculated Fibroids

Pedunculated fibroids grow from stem-like structures (peduncles) and form on the wall of the uterus or inside the cavity of the uterus. Quick movements may cause the peduncle to twist and cut blood flow, resulting in intense pain.

Submucosal Fibroids

Submucosal fibroids, the rarest type of fibroid, form under the uterine lining where they may crowd the uterine cavity. This type of fibroid may cause excessive bleeding and other significant complications.

Subserosal Fibroids

Subserosal fibroids grow on the outer uterine wall. Large growths in this region can crowd nearby organs and cause discomfort or pain.

What Are the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are very common, and many women do not know they have them. Many women do not have symptoms or do not notice the signs. The location, size, and the number of fibroids present may influence whether or not you experience symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of uterine fibroids are:

  • Constipation
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Leg pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pelvic pressure or pain
  • Prolonged menstrual bleeding
  • Spotting between periods

Any of the symptoms above warrant a trip to your doctor. If you experience any sharp pain in your pelvic region or have severe vaginal bleeding, please seek immediate medical attention.

What Are the Risk Factors for Uterine Fibroids?

Although the precise cause for fibroids remains a mystery, there are a few risk factors that seem to be at play. Any one or more of the following factors could increase your chances of developing fibroids:


Uterine fibroids are linked to the hormones estrogen and progesterone—two distinctly feminine hormones. The hormonal connection with fibroids is why nearly all women experience them at some point in their lives. For premenopausal women, these two hormones signal the uterine lining to prepare for pregnancy every month.


If someone in your family has a history of uterine fibroids, there is an increased chance that you will also develop them. Researchers have found that women who develop fibroids have variations in a set of genes associated with the female reproductive organs.


During pregnancy, the female body has a surge of estrogen and progesterone, the quintessentially female hormones mentioned above. As a result, getting pregnant could increase your risk of developing fibroids.

How Do I Find Out If I Have Fibroids on My Uterus?

Your gynecologist may detect fibroids during a routine examination. If your uterus feels enlarged, an ultrasound can confirm the presence of fibroids. After detection, an MRI can pinpoint the location and number of fibroids and determine their exact sizes.

If you have symptoms of fibroids, your doctor may run tests to investigate the cause. These tests may include blood work such as a complete blood count (CBC) or imagining tests to look for the presence of fibroids. Fibroid specific imagining tests include a hysterosonography, hysterosalpingography, and hysteroscopy.

How Do I Treat Uterine Fibroids?

There are several options for treating uterine fibroids. Your doctor may suggest hormonal medications first. If these treatment options prove unsuccessful, you are tasked with finding the best treatment for you.

Old Solution: Hysterectomy

In the past, women had few options other than hysterectomy to remove fibroids. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Although this operation is effective for eliminating all fibroids, it is also a major surgery that comes with long recovery times, a hospital stay, and receiving general anesthesia.

Women who undergo a hysterectomy no longer have their uterus. Removing the uterus can cause hormonal issues and trouble with the bladder, bowels, and the pelvic floor after the operation.

New Solution: Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

Many women are opting for the modern treatment to remove uterine fibroids called uterine fibroid embolization.

What Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization?

UFE is a minimally invasive uterine fibroid treatment that cuts off blood supply to fibroids to make them shrink. We insert a small catheter and a moving x-ray called a fluoroscope into a tiny opening in the upper thigh until they reach blood vessels near your fibroids. The special x-ray ensures precision and safety throughout the treatment.

We push tiny particles called embolization spheres through the catheter to block fibroid blood flow. Disabled blood flow causes the fibroids to shrink. After shrinking, fibroids die off, which eliminates many of the associated symptoms.

What Are the Benefits of UFE?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists declared uterine fibroid embolization as an alternative to hysterectomy for good reasons. There are many prominent benefits of choosing UFE over hysterectomy.

This endorsement is excellent news for the 250,000 U.S. women who consider a hysterectomy each year. Below we look at the most notable benefits of choosing UFE over a hysterectomy for uterine fibroids.

Uterus Preservation

Choosing UFE means keeping your uterus. Removing the uterus isn’t the ideal choice for many women, because a hysterectomy eliminates the ability for a woman to conceive. If you still wish to become pregnant or would like to preserve the possibility, UFE is the ideal uterine fibroid treatment for you.

The scientific community has not determined the viability of pregnancy after UFE conclusively. Although there is no guarantee that UFE will preserve your fertility, the chances of conceiving are far higher with your uterus intact.

UFE Doesn’t Influence Hormones or Organs

You won’t experience changes in your hormones or organs. A hysterectomy forces women into early menopause and all the hormonal changes that arise from this. Removing the uterus can impact the bladder, bowels, and pelvic floor. All three regions are interlinked with the uterus and impacted during surgery. They can cause unwanted post-operative symptoms of their own, including pain, infection, and protruding tissue.

With UFE, you don’t have to worry about any changes to your hormones or organs. This minimally invasive treatment does not influence any other region of the body.

Reduced Recovery Times

You can resume regular activities within a few days. The full recovery period for a hysterectomy is around six to eight weeks. Usually, it takes at least a week or two after your appointment to return to work or other daily activities.

With UFE, many women feel ready to return to work within a few days after treatment. You can expect a full recovery within one or two weeks after the uterine fibroid embolization treatment.

Outpatient Procedure

UFE is usually an outpatient procedure, whereas a hysterectomy is a major surgery that requires extended hospital stays. A hysterectomy is a serious operation, and you must stay in the hospital for the medical staff to monitor you.

UFE takes around one hour to complete, and you will not need to stay in the hospital for an extended amount of time for observation.

Fewer Risks

Uterine fibroid embolization is a lower-risk alternative to hysterectomy. All major surgeries come with risks. Whether its anesthesia or infection, you contend with fewer risks when opting for UFE.

High Success Rate

UFE has an average success rate of around 90% when assessing all the study results. Five years after treatment, approximately 80% of patients still do not have any symptoms and therefore need not have a hysterectomy or further fibroid treatment.

Improved Mood and Self-Confidence

You’ll feel like yourself again without compromise. Living with the symptoms of uterine fibroids can seriously disrupt your quality of life. Pain, sexual issues, and heavy periods can take a toll on your mental health and overall wellbeing. Self-esteem and confidence can suffer when you aren’t feeling in good physical health.

You may not even realize how uterine fibroid symptoms influence your mood. Most women find substantial symptom relief after undergoing UFE. What many don’t expect is the dramatic improvement to their outlook on life. Removing unwanted symptoms creates a ripple effect for rediscovered positivity to flow in your life.

Cheaper Overall Costs

UFE delivers comparable results without the higher price tag. With health care, everything adds up. The intensity of the procedure, the longer stay in the hospital, and follow-ups for a hysterectomy can cost much more than UFE.

This safe, effective, and streamlined treatment doesn’t require hospitalization, which can save you thousands of dollars overall.

Is UFE Better Than a Hysterectomy?

For many women, UFE is the better option. The research concludes that both uterine fibroid treatment options have similar success rates; however, a hysterectomy comes with potential downsides that many women wish to avoid.

Will UFE Remove All of My Fibroids?

Although UFE does not remove all fibroids, it will shrink them substantially. The high success rate shows that this method is one of the most effective treatments for uterine fibroids. After the procedure, symptoms such as severe pain and heavy periods go away, and you avoid the risks associated with a major operation.

Am I Candidate for UFE?

If you are struggling with symptoms of uterine fibroids or believe you might be, you could be a candidate for UFE. Ideal candidates for treatment are:

  • Age 18 or older
  • Not pregnant
  • Wish to preserve the uterus
  • Do not have a pelvic infection
  • Have symptoms of uterine fibroids

UFE isn’t for everyone. The best way to determine your eligibility for treatment is to schedule an appointment with us. We’ll discuss your full medical history, symptoms, and treatment options.

Will Health Insurance Cover UFE?

Most health insurance companies cover UFE. If you have questions about whether your insurance will cover this procedure, please contact them directly.

Schedule an Appointment

Most women agree that uterine fibroid embolization is the best option for them. With a high success rate and a host of extraordinary benefits, we believe that you will agree. If you are ready to discover what UFE can do for you, contact us today. Schedule an appointment at Zenith Health & Aesthetics in Memphis, TN to learn more.